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Everything posted by clarky24

  1. I have to agree that quote made me laugh as well. I look forward to seeing where the Milly/Brad thing is going to go. It was lucky for Sally and Rocco that Jack found them, though i guess they don't want to tell him how they got out there and what they have been up to.
  2. Brad having the hots for a student, now this is going to be very interesting indeed. Is he going to go down the same path as Sally and Rocco and have a teacher/student relationship? Look forward to finding out. I loved it how Sally and Rocco found that cave and then she said to Rocco that he could hunt for food. Very cavemanish if that is such a word.
  3. I can't believe that Drew died, that is so sad I have to agree with previous comments this chapter has been very well written. I look forward to seeing whether Peter survives and also how he handles the death of Drew. Keep up the good writing
  4. Johnny sure knows how to make Roccos life hell. I wonder how Rocco is going to come up with the $500 a week to keep him quiet. And fancy Johnny giving Sally and Rocco directions on how to get home, that was very charming of him, not. But he wouldn't be Johnny if he wasn't up to his usual evil self. Look forward to reading the next update.
  5. Johnny is evil but he wouldn't be Johnny if he was nice. Im just wondering where he has taken Sally? Also i wonder what Brad will do now he has received those photos and has worked out that there is something going on between Rocco and Sally. I hope Sally forgives Rocco for everything in the end. Look forward to reading the next update.
  6. I didn't see that end coming. I wonder if the car has been sabotaged in some way? I hope Pete and Drew have survived the crash Look forward to reading the next update.
  7. Im glad Pete and Lara are happy together. They make such a great couple. Im glad Drew approves of them as well, i loved his reaction. I love the father/son relationship between Pete and Drew as well. Look forward to reading the next update.
  8. I loved it when Dan was giving Pete a hard time about him and Lara, especially when he was saying that he saw something of Lara that he wouldn't see at work. Im glad Lara and Pete have sorted things out. I look forward to reading what happens next between these two.
  9. Im wondering whether Lara's disappearance has something to do with Amanda? Im guessing time will tell. Im really enjoying reading your fic and look forward to reading future updates
  10. That was a great update. I loved it how Drew was giving Peter a hard time about being caught skinny dipping. It was great how Dan was joining in to a lesser degree as well. Im looking forward to reading about Peter and Laras heart to heart and the devastating accident.
  11. This is a great story. I really like Pete and Lara together. I always thought that they would make a good couple. It would be funny if Jack caught them because i want to see how the try and explain their way out of this situation. Look forward to reading the next part.
  12. What has Rocco done? If he doesn't come up with an idea fast Sally is going to catch Johnny and the gang. Sally probably won't trust him again and think that Rocco has used her the whole time. Look forward to reading what happens next.
  13. I really enjoyed reading your one shot. It was great how you had the different points of view. As for the unknown guy my guess is that it could be Ric. Also Happy Birthday Roccoluver
  14. What is Rocco doing? Surely he hasn't arranged for Johnny to steal stuff from Sallys house. Im guessing i will have to wait for the next update to find out.
  15. Just caught up with the latest update. I can't wait to find out what Rocco is up to after his phonecall to Johnny. You guys certainly keep us guessing on what is going to happen next. Look forward to the next update.
  16. Oh no, Johnny knows about Rocco and Sal. I hope he doesn't split them up. Better still i hope he doesn't tell Brad. Look forward to seeing what happens next.
  17. Fantastic updates guys. I loved it how Rocco got all jealous when he saw Sally hugging Brad. Im looking forward to seeing what you have got in store for Rocco and Sally next. I just hope that they don't get caught together.
  18. Wow what a great update. It was great how Brad's phone call gave Rocco the courage to finally confront Sally and it worked. The ending was great and i am looking forward to reading what happens next.
  19. I wonder what Rocco will say to Brad when he answers the phone. Im loving all this tension between Rocco and Sally. She must eventually give in to her feelings for him, i just hope that she doesn't use Brad and hurt him in the process. Look forward to the next update guys.
  20. I have just read this story from the beginning. To start off with i wasn't too sure about what to think about Sally and Rocco but i have to admit that even though it is wrong in many ways i actually think they are good together. It will be interesting to see how Brad fits into the story now as it is pretty clear that he likes Sally a lot. Keep up the good work guys.
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