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Everything posted by sephy

  1. I had written a really long comment for this, but my battery died before I could post it and I really cannot remember what I had written so I'm just going to keep it brief now. Absolutely, loved it. This fiction was a fiction like no other. Seriously, you are tmy favorite author on this website, and I've never read such great writting that hasn't been published before. I can't believe Belle's pregnant again. Too sweet. I'd love to find out what they have, and the name, lol. I'm tearung up just writing a comment, but I think it just goes to show how great this story was and how much I loved it. Perfection at it's best. I will definately be rereading these fictions plenty of times over, and I'll enjoy them, cry and laugh like I did the first time around. Thanks for sharing your brilliant fic and ideas. I'm ever so glad you did. Sephy x
  2. Hi. I just thought I'd pop by and say that I really love your Gaden fiction, ever though the ship has never appealed to me before. Thanks for writting it :)

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  4. I've been trying to comment on this fic all day, but for some reason, it hasn't let me yet. I hopre this works this time. Absolutely, postively LOVED that chapter. Every word of it was perfection. The dialogue, the descriptions, the feelings and emotions... WOW! It was like I was living it. I felt so excited with the whole surprise party idea. I would love it if someone were to do that for me, especially someone like Aden The first and last scenes on that chapter was just magnificent! Krissy has to be the cutest Adelle baby ever, and her and Aden scenes are just too good and Loved it. Annie and Romeo made me laugh. Especiall Aden's protectiveness. I wish we saw more of that on the show. Her chat with Belle was even better. Loved all the advice she gave her, and even more when she cracked up about the fact his name was Romeo Also, Drew's girlfriend [who I assume is Natalie, right? ] made me laugh. I could totally see them hinding out like that and Belle wanting to respect his privacy as opposed to Aden who was eavesdropping. The presents, Mattie's and Aden's, were just great. The charm was beautiful. I love how the charm bracelet has been in every single fic, right from the beginning. It's really been an intergral in this fiction series and made it truely unique, especially how you have managed to keep all the characters in character like in the show, even in an AU future [which I could only hope would have been an actual future on H&A for Adelle]. Can't wait for the epilogue now, although it'll be very sad to say goodbye to this fiction. I agree with Adelle_Fan1000 that I'll be definitely reading this fiction, along with the others, over and over again once it's over.
  5. Wow! Finally got to read it all and, as is no surprise I LOVED IT! Every single bit of it was fantastic and I really didn't want it to end! The beginning scene was just too cute. Bless the little baby. Lol, I'd be scared of the storm too, but if I had someone like Aden to keep me safe. The bit with him talking to her before he had to go was just AOL. I love the bond between him and Krissy. And I still absolutely love her and the name. She's the cutest Adelle baby ever. Mattie and her present was sweet. I love that it were a rocking horse. And it looked beautiful too. Totally agree with her that I wanna borrow Aden tol even for a little while, lol. Cannot believe there's only a chapter and then the epilogue left. The end is too soon But hope you update soon. Fantastic update!
  6. Hey! Haha, I've never met/known anyone with their birthday on the same day as mine! Awesome...! Btw, I cannot believe you're 14! From the way you write, I wouls have put you at at least 18/20! Sephy xxx

  7. One word - AWESOME!
  8. Just caught up on the past few chapters, and they were all brilliant. Loved every single bit of it. I simply adore the way you write Adelle, especially the racy fluff. Got to admit, I love the name 'Will' for a boy because it reminds me of Orlando Bloom, and he's hot. The last line was funny, but LAURZY's comment just made it hilarious! Great updates, and I'll defo be sleeping well tonight!
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  10. Arrested??? No...! Poor Beau! That ending was a shocker, but sooo good. I've got a feeling that it's going to have something to do with Geoff being missing, but I can't wait to see what if I'm right. If I'm not, then I'm sure your idea is brilliant! Hope you update soon.
  11. Oh, yay, an update! And I've finally gotten to read it all! If there's one thing that stands you out and foremost with all fanfic writers, Taniya, is that your chapters are majorly long, but you can never get enough of it! LOVED this chapter, as always with your fic. And more than that, it was the return of some much loved and missed racy fluff! And of course, Drew too, but I prefered the racy fluff. You do it so superbly, like everything else, so that I can imagine it play out even as I read it through for the first time. Yes, that does mean I read the shower scene more than once, but can you blame me! Sephy's going to sleep greatly tonight! But yes, the whole chapter was fantastic, and I loved how it ended. You could feel the tensions build, and the atmosphere stiffen with then. But I loved how they talked it out and finally got it into the open. Brilliant! Can't wait for the next update. Hope it's soon!
  12. Loved it! These chapters were a brilliant start to it. Yay that Aden's thinking about proposing. Hope you two update soon!
  13. Thanks for letting us know, Taniya. I hate when such great fics just die and fade away at the end, so I'm glad you gave us this notice. Saying that, I do hope everything in your family is alright. Family comes first, and as hard as this is to say and mean it, us readers can wait Hope everything works out well in the end and looking forward to the update whenever it is Sephy xxx
  14. Wow. Just, wow! I can't find any other words to say about it! I hope you write more fics like this, because yours are probably the only fics which I like reading the future in.
  15. Wow. And I'm crying again! This has got to be right at the top of the list of fics that I absolutely love. Even though it's sad, and I did say I'd stay away from Belle dying fics, I can't stop reading this at all. I really hope you upload more, please!
  16. I don't know what this says about me, but unlike everyoe else, I actually thought he was married to Belle and having an affair with Nicole. I'd love to read more, please. Your fics are all greatly written.
  17. Wow, that was brilliant. But just too sad. Can not wait for more. Who's getting the next letter...?
  18. Firstly, I've just got to say that I'm so glad that you updated! I thought that you might have forgotten about this fic since you started the other one, but silly me! I should never judge or think bad of a great writer, lol. Right, so the chapter itself... Brilliant! Loved every word of it, and it definitely wasn't long enough! I could go on reading forever. Aden with Krissy is always an adorable thing to read. And so is Belle and Krissy... But more Aden! Noone writes Aden and baby as good as you. Loved Belle trying to make him a cake. Or 12, lol. Bless her. It's not her fault she can't bake. I recall Amanda having the same problem in this fic. The presents were too sweet too. I love the idea of the ring, and the picture thing. It's so Belle and Aden. Oh, and the bit where Belle was explaining everything to Krissy about everyone was very well done. And funny. That ending was brill too. Glad that Justin was brought back into it. He's just hilarious. Loved Aden having a laugh with what he said, though he tried to hide it. They seem very brotherly now, which is good. Hope you update again soon.
  19. This fic is brilliant. I'm crying here, and that's a rare occurance. Aden's pain and suffering is simply heartbreaking. I can't wait for the next chapter and to find out more about Belle's plan.
  20. Aw, once again.o, isn't Beau just a wonderful sweetheart! I cannot believe that you've made him so ill. It's just bring tears to my eyes whenever I read this fic and read about him being so ill. You write it all so fantastically that it's hard not to feel the sorrow with the all. Abi is just as adorable. Loved the Edward reference, and the knitting, lol. That ending was great. I really hope everything with the baby works out too. They need another perfect baby so that Beau has someone to play with. I am, of course, assuming that you wouldn't be so mean to hurt him so much or kill him! Please don't! Can't wait for the next update. Sorry for the essay long comment. I really need to learn when to shut up.
  21. Aw, how cute! I don't know if I have said this before, but Beau has got to be the most cutest and sweetest Adelle baby boy ever. I really wish he existed on the show! Poor guy though. He's trying so hard to be brave, and he is, but the evitable is that he's going to feel worse soon. Poor Aden and Belle too. I really hope things can get better soon, though I doubt it will. Update soon, I hope.
  22. Haha, I finially realised why the line from Colleen in Tuesday's episode sounded so familiar! It was first written in this fic! I cannot believe it took me so long to realise when I've read this fic so many times that I practically know it off by heart, lol. It's even in the first chapter! Plus, I have noticed, several other scenes and/or phrases in this fic both onscreen and in other fic. It goes to show the brilliance of it. Anyway, wondering if there was a possible chance for an update tonight? I'm dying for one, and I'm sure loads of others would agree too Thanks.
  23. Haha, I finially realised why the line from Colleen in Tuesday's episode sounded so familiar! It was first written in this fic! I cannot believe it took me so long to realise when I've read this fic so many times that I practically know it off by heart, lol. It's even in the first chapter! Plus, I have noticed, several other scenes and/or phrases in this fic both onscreen and in other fic. It goed to show the brillinance of it. Anyway, wondering if there was a possible chance for an update tonight? I'm dying for one, and I'm sure loads of others would agree too Thanks.
  24. I'm good, thank you. Wow, that's so cool! I'm a massive Jate fan too! I haven't really met anyone on here that is, but to be honest, I haven't really tried. Your name simply caught my eye. XxxxX

  25. Hi! How are you? I saw your name and was intrigued. It is in relation to Lost, by any chance? XxxxX

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