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Everything posted by Laurz

  1. I loved Clare. Her and Peter were my favourite couple. I was gutted he came back without her. She was a really great character and I wish they'd bring her back xx
  2. Charlie is my favourite character at the moment. Esther is such a fantastic actress x
  3. That was great. I loved it. You are a very good writer. We need more Peter and Clare stories on here x
  4. Did u get a reply when you sent one without a self addressed envelope?
  5. when u wrote to the cast did u include a self addressed envelope so they could reply or not. Just wondering cause I am thinking of writing 2 Paul and Nic
  6. this is good i like it your a good writer
  7. do more this is fab dont kill Peter
  8. wow thats really good cant wait to read more
  9. thats really good cant wait to read more
  10. sounds good
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