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Everything posted by Chair

  1. Oops! I missed the chance to vote Never mind. I look forward to seeing the results.
  2. Sean's daughter was called Daria.
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  4. Was Steven a guest in 1997 and 1998? OK he was a returning character but he returned to whisk Selina off her feet.
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. Thanks @zara grace but I don't do a lot compared to the others. I appreciate the shoutout. I still remember when the forum crashed in the mid 00s and all the posts were lost. Claire who was on the staff said in the thread that she had the summaries saved so all was not lost.
  7. If anyone watches Call the Midwife. Which happens to be filmed on location not too far from where I live. When I wrote my fanfic Part 3 - still to be completed, I said the storyline has never been covered in a soap which is still true. It's due to be covered tonight in the UK episode.
  8. Happy birthday to a great site and forum!
  9. I was watching 2016 episodes recently and noticed that Jeannie's family were Doomsday believers. The cult recently that Justin was trying to save Andrew from were also Doomsday believers Was Jeannie's family involved with the same cult?
  10. Steven was forced to resign due to his relationship with Selina. One thing that has always puzzled me was Andrew was allowed to date Carly. Had she left school by then?
  11. Selina, Joey and Saul were involved with the cult and lived at the commune at various times.
  12. Thank you to everyone who put this poll together, tallied up the votes and wrote the comments. Really enjoyed reading through the entries.
  13. I've voted. It will be interesting to see if a secret vote will affect the popularity of characters.
  14. I'm not sure of the exact age gap. I think Kit was just finishing Y12 when Robbie arrived. I think Robbie went into Y10 the next year when Matilda and Henry were in Y9. Then again I'm not totally sure if Robbie and Tasha finished Y12 before going to New York. I was always curious how much older Scott was than Kit.
  15. He seems ok, I haven't instantly warmed to him or not warmed to him. I'll give him a chance to settle in. I had heard JR Reyne was coming into the show as Emmett Ellison but I hadn't recognised the actor until I saw this thread.
  16. Chloe mentioned to Jesse that Selina and Steven were working things out. Either in Episode 3989 or 3990. Then Sally mentioned it to Pippa as well before Episode 4000 Not sure of the episodes. I'll try and find out and get back to you.
  17. Mark Little returned in 2005 around the time of the 20th anniversary and Sky was a regular on the show. He was in it for a couple of months. The role was meant to last for a few months but it didn't work out. I'm not sure of the details.
  18. For those who avoid spoilers - I chose Willow in my top 7 before the Witness X reveal. She is loyal and been a good friend. There wasn't a way I could change my reason without arousing suspicion. I think Colby pushed her too far. I still stand by her in my top 7. I hope that she can sort things out with Dean and Bella one day.
  19. Not sure what happened to Henry or Sharon. Daniel might have mentioned him but I might be mentioning that. Jane looked after Nell but she also married Mr Stone and had a family. She has mentioned children but apart from Nicolette we don't know how many she has and what are the names of the other children.
  20. Hi. Hubby has just been doing a quiz for a local charity online. (I could have joined in but didn't feel like it after the Tier 4 news today.) Hubby knew who to ask for the first line of the H&A theme tune question. He wasn't so impressed when I sung the first verse to him ?
  21. I recently watched the episode where James returns and Olivia goes to live with him. Had Chloe actually stated in the will that James would get custody of Olivia in the event of her death? Or was it just Chloe stated that Diana wasn't allowed custody? I'm also wondering why James didn't ring and mention the will to the mediator when the custody battle for Olivia was happening.
  22. I've been watching old episodes as well. I did wonder if she ever felt bad at times about all this? Or she just purely wanted revenge?
  23. What caused the Dropin Centre to burn down?
  24. In Episode 2295, a group of female singers perform at Rebecca and Travis's wedding. The band seems to be called Crisp which I've never heard of before. Does anyone know what the song is please? ETA: I've found the track now - How to Breathe
  25. Thanks for the update @Red Ranger 1 That was a lovely ending. A beautiful wedding and fortunately everything went well. I too hope Steven and Selina can be friends in the future.
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