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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away (Do you have to ask)

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    Perth W.A.
  • Interests
    Swimming, Reading, Making Videos to post on You Tube, Going on Msn and You Tube Watching Home and Away and Romantic Movies Love Chocolate and Hanging Out With Friends :)

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  1. That was so sweet I loved it
  2. Brilliant you should change this into a longer story or a series of one-shot's
  3. I'm intrigued who has belle Great Chapter btw
  4. Yay can't wait to read what happens next
  5. Been reading this fic and am really liking it can't wait to see how the story pan's out and i am suspicious of David Update Soon
  6. Loving this sequel but i'm hoping the two above predictions aren't going to happen.
  7. Loving this fic can't wait for the next chapter
  8. I have been reading this fic and it is brilliant but so sad. It reminds me of the film P.S. I Love You. really good can't wait for an update
  9. Brill fic can't wait to see what happens with Annie's letter
  10. AAaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww Beau Is So Cute Nic Nac So Adorable Can't wait for Adelle to have Another Baby Brill Beginning Btw
  11. That was an Amazing Story I Loved Loved Loved It!! And I cannot wait for the sequel
  12. AAaawwwwwwwww noooooo she can't die! really well written chapter thats really sad
  13. Aaaaaaaaaaawwww so sweet i loved it and i Loved the name 'Sierra
  14. Aaaaaaawww so sweet I Loved it great job
  15. Hi, please check out my new fic: Et Je T'Aime Encore

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