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Everything posted by mbi615

  1. Wow, Martha's been with Geoff and Jai?! Haha I can't believe Nicole killed Martha! Ooh this just gets better and better!
  2. Charlie's definitely very lucky to have Ruby and Morag supporting her. Hopefully she'll let Angelo in soon. Phew, it's good to hear that Ava's okay. Angelo better not do something that he'll regret. As much as I want Ava back, I also wouldn't want Angelo to get hurt. Great chapter, please update soon!
  3. Wow Bec, this one is cropped perfectly! I love how Aden's in the av but Belle's still the main person. Awesome colouring as well!
  4. Angelo was so happy about the baby and it's sad that Charlie has lost it. I can't believe Grant's brother kidnapped Ava! Hope they find her soon! And I'm also hoping that Charlie and Angelo make up coz she really needs him. Please update soon!
  5. Wow, this Indigo one is gorgeous! Love the contrast of the B&W and also how it seems smooth and soft.
  6. Lovin' the cropping, text and effects on all of them Jen! Colouring is most amazing as well. And the sigs are great!!
  7. Couples Retreat - Awesome movie coz it has a bit of comedy and romance! Loved it!!!
  8. Aww, Ava's really warming to Angelo! It's good to hear that Ruby and Xavier are engaged! Cool, JM have another baby! And I hope that Changelo can have another one too. Please update soon!
  9. Haha this is getting better and better! Martha and Jai?! And Nicole's antics are still absolutely hilarious! Bring on Gaden!!
  10. Go Charlie for being the hero but I really hope that she's okay. Great chapter Georgie, more please.
  11. Love the colouring and cropping on all of them but this one is my fave coz the cap is perfect!
  12. Haha yeah it's great! :)

    The weather's still being horrible as usual but I'm going with some mates to watch Couples Retreat so that'll be good.

    Oh I don't really go on MSn that often coz it kinda lags on my laptop but I'll go on it now. :)


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  13. What an awesome fic, Jen!! I love the contrast between the two characters - how Geoff was like the serious one and Aden was more of the light-hearted one. And the last line was great, it's definitely something Aden would say. I'm lovin' these one-shot Gaden fics, so yeah, keep 'em coming!
  14. Aww some Jannie fluff! The flashback scene was great and I particularly loved the ending. Great fic!
  15. Great start Georgia, I'm lovin' this fic already! Haha Nicole is so naive and that's what makes this fic so funny! Looking forward to reading more.
  16. Hiya Zoe! :D

    I'm great actually lol. My brother's gone to see a movie with his mates so it's nice and quiet at home now.

    How are you?


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  17. Woohoo it's Angelo!! Too bad Ava didn't react well to him coming back. I'm sure she'll come around it. And aww Changelo ! Awesome chapter, please update soon!
  18. Woah Jen, they are all awesome especially the ones Georgia quoted! Amazing colouring and cropping!
  19. Yeah same! I'm back to school next week. :(

    Yeah, I can't wait until then as well but too bad there's no H&A on.

    Haha awesome, your birthday is on Valentine's Day!! :D

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  20. Aww thanks! And it's fine to save. :)

    I'm lovin' all your fics, you're an amazing writer. I'm totally hopeless at creative writing. :(

    Are you on holidays as well?


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  21. Heya Georgia

    I just thought I'd come by to say hi. Lol, how are you? :)


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  22. Wow Georgia, this is a really good fic and you're a very talented writer! Great start and I love the interaction between the characters. Looking forward to reading more.
  23. These two chapters are great Danni! J&M have another baby!! And it's cute how Olivia's getting jealous. : Haha Ruby and Xavier are sounding a lot like Aden and Belle when they moved in together but I'm sure they'll sort everything out! I'm really hoping it's Angelo! Maybe, like Barbara said, he'll get released coz he's being good. Please update soon!
  24. Great bunch of avs Bec. This one in particular is my fave, but I love the colouring, cropping, effects and the black border on all of them!
  25. A prison isn't exactly a great place for a baby to be, but I do hope that Angelo will meet Ava soon! I really liked the chat between Ruby and Charlie, their relationship is great! Ruby and Xavier are back together! Let's hope this time he doesn't hurt her again. Please update soon.
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