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Everything posted by mbi615

  1. This one is great Jen! I love how you've smudged the background to give the effect of negative space, the colouring, cropping and the text! Awesome, awesome work!
  2. Haha they're all great Bec! Love the text and colouring.
  3. Aww what a sweet chapter Danni! Xavier and Ruby have broken up but it must stink to see someone you still love with someone else. I loved Angelo and Charlie's conversation... ooh they're too cute! Please update soon.
  4. The Aden avs are great! Colouring, cropping, text and effects are all fab! I'm going to go for: 1. Jack and Martha 2. Aden Awesome idea by the way!
  5. Colouring and cropping all so amazing Jen but this one stood out the most to me. You're so lucky Jen! If I got to meet all of them, it'd be a dream come true.
  6. That was a good chapter Danni! 2 months and Charlie still never got over it?! Hopefully Angelo will let her visit him again. Ooh Ruby and Xavier, it's good that they decided to talk to each other again! Looking forward to more!
  7. Yay they saw each other again!!! Aww I loved Angelo's reaction to Ava, they are too cute! And it had to end badly. Hopefully they'll sort everything out. Please update soon!
  8. ^ Yeap it is the right place. You can take an existing one but just remember to credit the maker of the icon either in your sig or somewhere else.
  9. Good on ya Charlie for talking some sense into Ruby! Aww, I love how Ruby's trying to get Angelo to see Charlie, so sweet! In a way, Bill sounds nice but he also sounds kinda creepy. I think there's more to Bill than meets the eye. More soon please.
  10. I did not expect that it would be Ruby sitting there but thankfully it's negative. So much for being a good boyfriend Xavier. And I'm loving Charlie and Ruby's relationship! Great chapter!
  11. Phew, it's really good to hear that Angelo's okay! Aww J&M's having another baby. And fingers crossed that it will be negative. Awesome chapter Danni, please update soon.
  12. Wow Bec, this one is awesome! Amazing colouring, cropping and the text is just perfect! Great batch!!
  13. I'm loving this one in particular Bec! The effect of the doubled image is great and the background texture is lovely too!
  14. Woah Jen, they are all awesome! I'm lovin' the style, blending, colouring and fonts on all of them. My faves are the 3rd and 4th ones. The placement of the text and choice of pictures are great and I also like how they're simple but effective!
  15. I really hope Angelo doesn't die and that Charlie hasn't slept with Bill! This is getting really good Danni, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
  16. They are amazing Barbara! My faves are the ones Lesley quoted. Colouring, cropping and text are all great! And congratulations on 100 pages of awesome icons!
  17. Colouring, blending, text and cropping are all brilliant! All the icons are perfect Jen!
  18. This one is great Bec! Awesome colouring and cropping and I particularly love the addition of the text, it pretty much sums up everything that's happening in the scene! LiveJournal is filled with a whole bunch of tutorials. Hope this helps - it's a huge list of tutorial indexes.
  19. Aww that was a sad chapter, poor Charlie! I can't believe that she thought her dad hated her but it's good to hear that Ruby, Charlie and Morag will get through this together. Loved that chapter, looking forward to reading more of this!
  20. Changelo are my fave couple atm and hopefully they'll stay together for a while! :)

    And I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of your fic! :D

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  21. Changelo are my fave couple atm and hopefully they'll stay together for a while! :)

    And I'm looking forward to reading more of your fic. :D

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  22. Oh it's fine. Making sure you're computer's back up and running is probably the main priority. :)

    Holidays have been alright, kinda boring and the weather's been horrible. :(

    How are you feeling now?

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  23. Heya Danni! :)

    Just dropped by to say that I'm really lovin' your fic! It's awesome to have a fellow Changelo shipper. :D


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  24. Happy Birthday Conrad!!
  25. Woah the colouring on this one is gorgeous Bec! So soft yet her eyes are amazing! Great blending as well on the sigs!
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