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Everything posted by crazylazy

  1. oooh baby kicked x another good chapter loving the previews too
  2. amazing, i love how this is just developing cant wait for an update x
  3. loved it,i wasreading it so fast as i could'nt wait toread it,i had to read it twice! all the way through i was thinkin it would be tony or maybe a dream,looking forward to the next update x
  4. loved it, so glad you updated xx
  5. i too would love you to continue
  6. im still a tachel fan! i hope they have a good storyline soon, i do love the life and supporting roles but i do miss their full on storys and happy anniversary - fingers crossed to a celebration x
  7. ooh my god reading this just brought me to actual tears. i really dont know how you write this so well, its so sad i hope you continue this for a long while, explore her recovery (thats if she does) his comeuppance and tony nd leah trying to come to terms with it all i love this fic so much xx
  8. ohi thought that was an update then. it is an amazing fic and im really looking foreward to the next update x
  9. oh my god that was amazing - you writing is so good my heart was going so fast the last section was superb - i really cant wait till the next update - well done
  10. another great update ooh hes finally realised.. i did.nt want that update to stop i was reading so fast, to find out what was happening that i had to read again to see what i missed! cant wait to hear kates reaction to this and to hopefully see tachel together again xx
  11. fantastic update this fic really pushes the boundaries - it is jut brill, you have captured a very real problem and have donejustice to each character involved really looking forward to the next intallment x
  12. ive caught up finally - this isan amazing fic,your storey is fantastic,i love the friendships and your setting the scene is brill i really cant wait for the next update many thanks x
  13. ooh yea what a rollacoaster of emotions that was!! loved it x
  14. ooh loved it - please give us an update soon i cant wait to read the next installment
  15. great start - really like it x
  16. this is a really great fic and i was hoping you were still going to update, i know your really busy but im really excited about your next great chapter x
  17. ooohh did'nt think of that - but hey everyone in h&a are nearly related somehow and i think alf really needs a new long term love in his life someone he can grow even older with! i love alf and gina seems like a really nice lady
  18. gina and alf will make the perfect older couple - i can just see it now im a fan already we have to come up with a name - any suggestions?
  19. i love the fact that jon is doing lots of films - but it makes me think he maybe doin these to set himself in the film industry i hope not coz i cant imagine rachel or h&a without him
  20. this is a realy great start i enjoyed it am looking forward to the next chapter
  21. is it me being really observant - but everytime tony gets upset or unhappy he seems to be wearing a puma t-shirt! when martha shouted at him for going fishing with angelo he had a puma t-shirt on the os he has a puma t-shirt on looking sad and when he had a fight with rachel a few weeks ago and a few other times too i thought it a few weeks ago too but just laughed but then i seen the os it may just be a coincidance but a very funny one
  22. ^ well put charmed - i agree 100% and yesterdays episode was so oooh, just before tony entered rachel was being so strong and as soon as she seen tony she broke down - that made me all teary too! and when tony confessed i was blubbering a fair bit too i hope we see some talking, and hopefully some happy tachel before bubs is born
  23. i loved this chapter - what a surprise - and brad coming back too another excellent installment cant wait for the next one!
  24. after reading all that i think my brain needs a rest - but good to know thank you back to topic - i really hope rachel has some pregnancy storyline too, she has wanted this 4 so long - and i dont think this is how she would have dreamed it to be like - im surprised she hasnt broken down crying yet - coz if i was her i would! i just want tony to give her a big hug and touch the bump at some point
  25. that chapter was just amazin- im thinking that this is actually better than the real show as tachel are having some worthwhile couple storylines in this! again another great update looking forward to next installment
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