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Everything posted by hunnibunni7000

  1. Thanks guys! Totally agree with everything stated about Maddy. I too hope I can make a video showcasing an upbeat and happy Maddy. Because when she is.. she is really on top form! Lets get this girl some friends and some purpose back in her life
  2. Attention: Maddy Osborne Defence Squad.
  3. No worries :)

    I know me tooo! I want to do another one now!!!

    They are so so addictive :)

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  4. I am working on a few bits atm. Kinda hit a vidders block. Im not too pleased with any of my work atm! :S

    How about you? xx

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  5. Hi. I never knew it was you on here!

    I am well thankyou. Yourself? xx

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  6. You requested a vid from me ages ago! A 'what if Belle never died' ?

    Its done!! Check it out on my youtube!! :D

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  7. Geoff is way to good for her Plus, geoff belings with Ruby RUFF
  8. and lets not forget Trey! Thank you, finally people who agree with me... and I cant believe no one has pulled her up on it! and the way she spoke to Colleen was out of line! hasn't she heard the term 'respect your elders'? Someone who finally hates Nicole as much as me.. like i said in my Sid/Nic vid on youtube. She is horrid. Yuck yuck yuck yuck!!!! Selfish, disgusting, Eeeeeeeeeeewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sooner she is shoved on a rocket and zooms to space never to return the better!!!
  9. Ahhh. thats where your name comes from. i have always really loved it!!
  10. Are you and grumblebum the same person?

    Almost identical sigs, & you leave almost identical comments one atfer the other!!

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  11. Agree with you 100% there I was crying at her funeral as if someone close to me had died!
  12. you're deffinetely not alone there... I hear TV screens switching off all over the world now Adelle has katpooted!
  13. It will only be a matter of time before Too true. Something in the Diner. Something in honor of such a legend! She worked in the diner for years! Its where she was when she began having symptoms of her illness
  14. I really loved Indi at the start, she was fresh & cool. But now... i dunno... Her scenes awkward, and I find the actor really wooden & awkward, which makes it uneasy to watch. But hey, thats just my opinion. And, I find her relationship with Nic really false. One minute they hate eachother then Nicole trips over a mop & now they're bff's .....
  15. INREDIBLE.. So true.. Adelle will NEVER end, they will never be over. True love beats death!
  16. I love this soooooooo much Bec! Can I use it? I'll credit you x x x x
  17. I made this in dedication to all you You all reminded me of some beautiful moments of Leah & Rachel to include, Thankyou. Hope you watch & enjoy x x
  18. I think i sorta agree.. but I dont really understand your post, could you explain a little? Cheers x
  19. I love her! When she said "My mother was good like that, she taught me to respect myself.. etc" It was sooo good. We need more girls like her, who do respect themselves, unlike cough Nicole, Charlie, Ruby!! :L She is good, i like her & Dexter. I can see her Dad & Leah hitting it off! I know they leave pretty soon! SADDD. I wish they could stay & some of the regulars could get on their bikes!!
  20. Thanks so much for the birthday message. :)

    OTH & H&A. :D Best two tv shows alive :)

    Just watching the 'Jimmy shooting school' eps. Soo sad :(

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  21. True True ^^ Hopefully when people get told then Irene will say something like "How, why didn't they pick it up sooner so we could fight it??" & Belle will give a good answer to explain that to us.. maybe.. The wedding... I wanted MORE!how come J&M, T&R get whole weddings with a reception, brides entrance, really long romantic vows.I feel cheated. But, like said before. What we did get was beautiful! I feel as if Aden should have said something like this in his vows... "I stand here today, knowing everything about you, knowing all your secrets, but I know that marrying you will be the best thing I have ever done. I love you Belle, and I know evrything we will face we will do hand in hand, side by side as husband & wife. I love you, I will always love you, that love will never die." & I am outraged that Charlie & Angelo mussled in on it!
  22. Do you think Irene will re-lapse when
  23. Damn straight
  24. i know what you mean, but, I can totally see Belles side. She was hurt, how would you feel if the guy you loved 200% and who you thought loved you 200% was moving on so quick. And, Aden did say in his letter that he wanted them to re-unite when she got out (I think he did) Which is why Belle must have felt even more hurt. Also, she was messed up, drugs screw you over, so that is another main factor to why she reacted the way she did. Plus, Aden did all that with Nicole, whilst having NO emotional feelings towards her, like love for example. Whereas, Belle loved Aden & liked Angelo, and didnt want to hurt Angelo, but in her heart knw she loved Aden. (:
  25. I love love love Belle, always have, always will She used to be so fierce & independent. Shame after Adens siege that she lost that a little, then when she was attacked. Belle really lost her spark & then with the drugs! It was bad times for her > But now, Belle has changed, and for a few weeks. Belle has been sooo amazing! She has helped Annie, Irene & Geoff. And been a real real great rock for Annie & Irene. Was not a great fan of Liam/Belle! Its such a shame that when life just started to settle down for belle she Now she is gunna go down hill very quickly. I have loved her character. I really have. Now she has reached a new mature life, I cant look at the Belle now and ever think that she was the one who did all the crazy and stupid things in the past. They are like 2 totally different people!!
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