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Everything posted by lachsm

  1. Yay belle and cassie sorted themselves out vintage belle asking cassie is luc a good kisser wish drew had come down the beach and kissed belle though, not happy Jen joking great as always jen Marc
  2. great chapter Jen i don't think it was to full on at all i totally agree with laurzy. i think stubborn is the only word that describes belle the dialogue was spot on as usual keep up the great work Jen Marc
  3. oooo lucas and cassie i absolutely love the way you write out their thoughts its great to see it from their point of view especially when belle and drew fight with themselves over whether there is an attraction or not grrrrr why did he have to be drunk great work as always Jen Marc
  4. louise, only one word can sum that chapter up AMAZING i absolutely loved it a mini sequel sounds great keep up the great work Marc
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  6. this was my favorite bit “Is this a date?” I asked suddenly. Drew’s head shot up, the blank expression quickly removed from his face. It seemed that there was still a spark underneath. He was clearly surprised by my sudden question. Admittedly, it was rather random. “What?” he spluttered, blinking many times and attempting to focus on my face. I felt the blood surge from my heart up to my cheeks as he stared down at me. “Well, I was just wondering if this is in fact a date, a real date, not just lunch between a two people of the opposite sex that might in fact seem like a date, even though it might not,” I clarified. A familiar smirk crept over Drew’s face. The muscles around his mouth relaxing as the grey cloud began to clear. He let out a strangled laugh, “You are a strange girl.” I furrowed my brow, attempting to decode what that actually meant. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. Drew just shrugged, before contemplating my original question. “What would you constitute as a date?” he asked. I pondered momentarily before answering, “There are three simple rules,” I said. “You have rules?” Drew asked sceptically. I ignored his comment and began my list which I had composed in my head. “Number one: It has to involve a set time. For example, lunch, dinner, or 8 o’clock.” “Check,” Drew replied. “Number two: The person who initiates the set time, is also in charge of allocating the activity which takes place during that time. For example, eating or the movies.” “Check.” “Number three: Both persons are aware and that the date is an official date. A date can’t be a date without the consent of both persons present.” “Check.” “So wait, are you saying this is a date?” I asked suddenly, realising that Drew had clearly check marked his approval to each of my rules. “I guess if I say that this is a date and you agree, then it is in fact a real date,” he said, his voice light and conversational. “So?” “That depends,” Drew said. “On what?” I asked, worried about what his demand may be. “Whether my confirming that this is a date will result in me experiencing any unnecessary pain,” he said, smirking. I surrendered my hands in the air, like I was calling a truce and Drew smiled before nodding, “Then it’s a date.” great work jen absolutely loved it cassie's getting jealous Marc
  7. another great update jen why am i not surprised though drew is so falling for her awwwww cant wait for the party marc
  8. loved it i just caught up. RR1 you certainly have a talent for writing
  9. love this fic keep going its great
  10. loved it you really have a talent for writing. you really captured drew in the shower. but who on earth did he call cant wait to find out. great update Marc
  11. i just read all of this it is absolutely amazing. you are such a talented writer. great work keep going MARC
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  13. happy 19 th keep safe



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  16. hey gazza howz i goin mate

    rock on


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  17. happy 19 birthday stay safe and enjoy it

    all my love

    MARC xox

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  18. happy 17 birthday have lots of fun with ya friends



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  19. happy 27 birthday hope you enjoy it



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  20. happy 24 bday

    keep safe



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  21. happy 20 bday pamela



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  22. great start absolutely love it five stars * * * * *
  23. thought id let you know what i think

    u r doing a great job on here dean keep up the good work bttb rox

    cheers marc

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  24. hey sexi how u going care for a bit of a chat ???

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  25. yeah it really is me in the pic thats what 8 years of hard training does to u :P

    keep rocking


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