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  1. He's BEAUTIFUL! He's got the whole rugged bad boy thing going on, totally irresistable! Thank you to the producers for bringing in some more eye candy, much appreciated!!!
  2. Rabbit has only just arrived on UK screens & was wondering if anyone knows if she's real or a figment of Miles' imagination? I might be reading too much in to it but just seems that she only ever turns up when Miles is alone & i just find it all a bit strange, with Miles not being in a very good state of mind lately i thought it might make sense for her not to be real?
  3. I'm loving this character so much - cheeky chappie, Jack-the-lad, just what H&A needs & he's easy on the eye which ain't a bad thing! Let's hope he sticks around for a while & yes i think him & Nicole would make an excellent couple.
  4. Once again it's been very hot & sunny on the east coast of england, wonder how long it will continue?!
  5. Hot, humid & sunny, 82 degrees.
  6. I think a lot of people's problem with Angelo is that he's not Joey. If she were 2 return & reunite with Charlie then i'm sure Charlie would go back 2 being the best thing since sliced bread & everything bad that's been said about her would be taken back. I think 'Jarlie' fans would've reacted badly 2 any guy that she got with, not just Angelo this is just how it's coming across 2 me.
  7. It seems 2 me that when Charlie was with Joey no one had a bad word 2 say about her, but since then there doesn't seem 2 be many good things said about her. I'm not saying i agree with what happened with the Jarlie story but that doesn't necessarily make Charlie a terrible person. I see her as a very misunderstood character who's obviously got major issues with men/relationships & therefore doesn't know how 2 commit properly 2 partners, she's made mistakes but that's not a crime. As for Angelo, ok he killed Jack but it was an accident, not cold blooded murder, & although he should have never tried 2 cover it up, again this doesn't make him an awful person, just a human being who's made mistakes. I think in months 2 come when everything concerning these 2 is out in the open, they will finally commit 2 each other & have a happy stable relationship, well i hope so anyway!!!
  8. That is called censorship, all non hetro-sexual kisses on shows such as H&A are designed to be tepid as not to "offend" or "upset" any person who might be watching. This is way that tv works. In our soaps a snog is a snog, regardless of whether it's between 2 guys, 2 girls or one of each. I don't recall any of our non hetro-sexual kisses ever being censored, but yeah maybe that's how it works in oz.
  9. I think these two have the potential two be great together & I hope they end up in a long-term relationship. I know all the 'Jarlie' fans are upset by this storyline but let's face it, the chemistry between these guys is fantastic & I don't remember Charlie EVER kissing Joey the way she kisses Angelo. Before anyone says it's all about sex for them I actually think Charlie feels a lot more for him & hopefully this will be shown in the future.
  10. I noticed that aswell but i know he was getting a lot of messages about Esther & think he was generally getting harrassed about different things so maybe that's why he deleted fans. It's a shame that some people have 2 be like that cos now they've ruined it 4 all of us. I was lucky enough 2 get a reply 2 a message i sent him a while ago so i'm glad about that. Yeah, before Conrad deleted me, I was looking on his Facebook, and I did notice that he was getting harrassed, as he left a message on his profile about it, something like "Dear Home & Away fans, If I continue to get messages about whether Esther is on Facebook, and get harrassed, then I will get you deleted, so yeah thats probarbly why Conrad deleted the fans So THANKS 2 all those who were harrassing him & therefore got us deleted!!!!!! It's bad enough that he's not on our screens anymore & now we haven't even got the FB contact with him. Can't blame him tho it must've been quite bad 4 him 2 resort 2 that.
  11. I noticed that aswell but i know he was getting a lot of messages about Esther & think he was generally getting harrassed about different things so maybe that's why he deleted fans. It's a shame that some people have 2 be like that cos now they've ruined it 4 all of us. I was lucky enough 2 get a reply 2 a message i sent him a while ago so i'm glad about that.
  12. I totally agree with u there, the current storyline with Roman is breaking my heart - it's just soooo sad. Conrad's acting has been fantastic and so believable, i just wanna give him a big hug!
  13. It was 71 degrees in UK today - quite warm 4 the time of year and just noticed that i've caught the sun on my face a bit!
  14. He can't do a thing wrong in my eyes and He is just sooooo beautiful!
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