Yeah I agree with you. I don't think it was reeally about weather he loved Christian more then Amira, it was more about him lying to his family and going against his religion.
I did feel sorry for Christian tonight, but I wasn't at all shocked by Zainab's reaction, I think we all knew thats how she would have reacted.
Syed was willing to leave his own wedding, but he didn't. And I can also quite see why. He doesn't want to go against his beliefs (Although he already has!? ) and he doesn't want to dishonor his family ect...
Hahaa I loved Tamwar tonight, thought his scenes took the edge off it a bit and gave us some humour.
And what is up with Hev? I may be reading too into it, but the way she kept starring at Darren made me wonder if there was more to it.
I think I would have preferred Libby finding out if Darren had told her, because now it feels to me like Adam is one point up. I reeeally hate Adam's character and I know he is going to weasel his way in on Libby
I reeally like Libby now.