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  1. very sad for this storyline of Charlie to end. I hope that they will have another interesting storyline for this character. For Joey, if ever she will come back(if the actress still like to be on this show), she will have a good storyline with charlie and be a good model for the AU gay community. If ever the actress don't want to come back anymore, maybe they will try to invite Portia De Rossi(the ice queen of Ally McBeal) to join the show, to be pair with Charlie.( Home and away maybe become superhit in Australia.
  2. The Joey/Charlie ends tomorrow???? I hope the answer is NO. Maybe Joey change her mind and dive in the water. Happy ending. Maybe Annie and Joey are right, Charlie will be more happier with men(pls not Hugo). Maybe, introduce a much better character. So sad, the conservative still got what they want. Lesbian/Bi storyline remains in Cable and late night show.
  3. I am sad for Charlie, it is not easy to be the cheater. Maybe, it is a little bit good if you love the other party, but she don't love HUGO. I hope the writer of this show will give these two character a chance to stay longer.
  4. I hope Charlie will be able to convince Joey that she love her. I hope Joey will focus on thier love to each other and forgive Charlie. Even, just for them to become friends if she can't really take Charlie's activity with HUGO. Joey should focus of what they've been thru without HUGO. I know how Joey feels, I was on the same situation before and had the same reaction, and until now we are not talking with each other. It is not that I did not forgive her, I do and I just laugh right now of all the tears that I wasted. I am just sad that we are not talking to each other anymore. I hope they will put a good ending of this story. I love to see Charlie/joey happy . before this story end.
  5. I love her, that is all I can say. I wish she will become like Nicole Kidman in the entertainment world. Have a movie, as a starring role, like AUSTRALIA. Goodluck Esther.
  6. Thanks for the information.
  7. Charlie's life is hard in this week episodes, my heart goes for her. Hugo is just benefitting(or taking advantage or whatever.........) the situation of a person that is in very difficult one, a sign of a loser . If I am Joey(I wish), I will just let Charlie go . She should have accept that job(enjoy and learn from it, as she said before she dreams of owning one in the future). Maybe when she come back Charlie is already sure of her affection(feelings) to Joey and strong enough to face all the pressure that comes with her decision and choices. Charlie is so beautiful. What is the actress name. Is she an International artist like Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman.
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