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Everything posted by nas2439

  1. Thanks for the update Loved nicola’s last line That has got to be one of the fun ways to sweat out a fever
  2. thanks for the update am loving this fanfic so whats up with nic :whistle:
  3. cant wait until they talk thanks for the update
  4. cant wait for the next update
  5. loved the date thanks
  6. am glad you continued loved the update
  7. thanks for the update cant wait for the date
  8. i hope you continue this fic its great we need more aden/nic fan fiction
  9. Am loving Nicole's bluntness LOL @ Miles thanks for the update
  10. am loving this story am lovin Aden/Nicole who would have thought Aden would become a teacher please update
  11. cant wait for the update
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  13. can we please have an update am having withdrawal symptoms i need my fix of aden/nicole please
  14. i am off to watch DEATH RACE on DVD
  15. i can't believe i nearly forgot about this fic thanks for the update Better Late, Than Never please update
  16. What kind of Storyline would you like to see Aden in, i wonder if they bring in a new love interest for him
  17. thanks for the update can't wait until they get to the B&B, i bet they is only one bed its going to be fun to read
  18. thanks for the update has Liam OD'ed
  19. i agree i would love for them together i love how they always know how to push each-others buttons somehow they just manage to bounce off each other i think if they did move in together they would be sha**ing like rabbits
  20. Finally someone wrote aden/nicloe fan fiction This is only aden/nicloe fan fiction I could find So thank you very much and please update
  21. does anyone know how long he's back for?
  22. thanks for this great story
  23. just found this today please update
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