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Everything posted by Krissie

  1. CANNOT eleive i haven't read and reviewed this sooner i adore it a little out of charcter in some places but it suited the story. Much love K.
  2. Meldoy well she had to show up sometime.
  3. I think Nicole just wanted some security and to feel like there was someone there unfortunaltely for her it was Trey that was but i think she will build herself back up and become stronger then ever and help Aden in whatever way that might be.
  4. This is so sweet. I only found it now and if id of known would of reviewed sooner.. Krissie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. I acttually thought i was going to cry.. so sad im glad she's alive though.. but Roman i suggest you get your butt back to summer bay.
  6. I really LOVE this story but don't like the way Gardy is going. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen soon.
  7. Poor Nicole i really hope she dumps Trey soon.
  8. OK this is getting excting, is so hope there's a hint of Aden in there. (A girl can dream).
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  10. Yeah i'm good too i just added you.

    krissie xxx

  11. Hey, thanks and i hope i do to.

    krissie xxx

    btw hows you?

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