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Everything posted by Bellzi

  1. I'm suprised that this thread is still alive ;)
  2. Just a question, what does everyone think of Nicole? Everyone seems to think negatively about her??
  3. apparantly, Tess' sister has made her a myspace account but i cant find it
  4. Aden-4 Alf-6 Charlie-12 Colleen-3 Dexter-1 Geoff-11 Harry-7 Indigo-3 Irene-6 Jai-4 Leah-7 Liam-5 Miles-4 Morag-6 Nicole-13 Ollie-6 Ross-5 Sid-3 Xavier-4
  5. i didn't like Geoff beein religious he is so hot but be a pious christian boy kinda wrecked him he has gone through a lot of changes and developped alot he seems to be progressing through his dislike of aden which I find to be quite interesting however i do not believe anything i gonna happen there for u Gaden fans ;)
  6. Originally there was a rumor of Tess's departure but she cleared it up I run a fansite and i messaged her and about a week later she replied saying no she hardly ever messages me tho
  7. i have to say that i wud probably like it hehe i have 2 friends who are gay and i think home and away shud look a suprising us with 2 new gay characters
  8. she does have down snydrome but not a severe case. She is quite sweet, and i think i like the idea of Ruban (Ruby and Brendan)
  9. hey guys, i thought i wud bring to attention that the real facebooks for some of the cast have been deleted due to people faking them and facebook being unable to decide who is real I have been talking to the real Samara Weaving and they are extremely annoyed If you are faking someone for a joke which I know none of you would or you know someone who is please tell them to stop thanks
  10. Aden-5 Alf-5 Annie-5 Bartlett-3 Charlie-7 Colleen-5 Donna-5 Geoff-5 Hugo-3 Irene-5 Kirsty-5 Jai-5 Joey-4 Leah-12 Liam-5 Martha-5 Nicole-6 Rachel-6 Roman-5 Ruby-13 Tony-5 Trey-5 VJ-5 Xavier-5
  11. conrad Coleby does accept fans he only has a facebook for fans and its definately him
  12. Irene 103 Nicole 7 Ollie 2
  13. how are you guys doin that ??????? its confusin me Irene 101 Nicole 8 Ollie 8
  14. haha Christie Hayes messaged me on Facebook I have had messages from Christie, Tessa and Todd on Facebook is there a topic area for this kinda of post
  15. Irene 62 Leah 6 Nicole 14 Ollie 14 Rachel 15 Tony 9
  16. uh good question on the real todds pictures he has the picture which he cut himself from the fake todd sed that the pic was taken like that hes a liar and sorry if u believe him but in reality its not Todd
  17. Irene 48 Leah 9 Nicole 16 Ollie 15 Rachel 14 Tony 15
  18. the fake todd sed that tess took that pic with her phone when really she didnt hes so annoyin
  19. Aden-22 Charlie-6 Irene-26 Leah-10 Nicole-14 Ollie-15 Rachel-15 Tony-14
  20. well anyway, this week is a big week for Nicole won't give away any spoilers tho
  21. Actually I believe you are right. She also helped Melody so I suppose she is very caring to everyone but I just don't like how she is opionated. Sometimes her opinions are a bit thoughtless and rude such as the one of Charlie being a lesbian. However that's over now as Joey isn't coming back.
  22. oh really well i dont no much bout that then lol thanks for clearing it up Symphony
  23. Aden 18 Charlie 4 Irene 25 Leah 10 Nicole 13 Ollie 16 Rachel 17 Tony 16
  24. yes hes fake but will say that he has the other account as his private me and another fan have been tryin to bust him and expose him but its difficult coz he gets out of everything That's interesting. How did you find out it was a fake? well to start it off he has been talking with other fake myspaces for Tessa, Rebecca and Jordan - I know these are fakes coz on Jordans status the other day it sed um new to facebook which the real one isnt secondly he sed i will ask to the other cast to see if we are shooting tomorrow (this was the fake) when he shud no coz they get scripts months earlier so i just put two and two together
  25. thats alot of pages btw they are really kool Jen nice work
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