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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home & Away of course. :)

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    He is, will always be, the Guardian of my ♥
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    Music, movies, tennis, buddhism, writing.

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  1. I was both crying and laughing at the scene in the kitchen, when Aden said about getting the dog. I bet they had to do that scene a good few times.
  2. I'm going to retract my previous comment about not liking Nicole. [although she was horrendous when she first arrived] Since the whole Gardy thing I'm slowly beginning to warm towards her. I feel sorry for her. Never thought I'd ever say that, but there you go! I'm seeing her in a completely different light, she still has the odd moment that makes me roll my eyes at the screen, but I have to say her character is progressing nicely. I'm curious what's going to happen to her after the whole Roman/Gardy carry on.
  3. I'm really starting to worry about Rachel and the baby. She's worrying about everyone but herself! If she isn't concerned about Tony, then it's Belle, or Irene, and - Good Lord, woman! Think of yourself! And Tony's annoying me. Big time. He's acting selfishly and needs to get his act together. He has a gorgeous wife and a baby on the way and all he can think about is working out at the gym and Angelo. I hate the way he is with Rachel sometimes.
  4. I thought the exact thing, RR. There really is something off about her and I don't believe the baby is Geoff's. I fear she's playing him. Has Lachie left?? If so, then that could be the reason.
  5. I find him rather dull, to be honest. For me he isn't bringing anything new to the show. The bad boy turns good thing has been done to the death, but at least with Aden we had a couple of years of badness, but Trey's bad boy rep [if it could even be termed that] lasted no time at all and now he's all sweetness and light. Meh. And I'm already bored with his relationship or whatever it is with Nicole. If anyone needs to be bitten by a shark, it's him.
  6. I love your avatars, Jen. You're amazing. The Rachel one is divine, could I use it at some point? I'll credit.
  7. Nicole is the one character that annoys me. The whole Aden thing especially. A few episodes ago when he told her he needed space, she came back with, "if you stop sleeping with me I might take the hint", sort of thing. Uh, hello? You're a 17/18 year old girl with a mind of your own. Did he force you? Tie you down and make you sleep with him? No.
  8. Maybe we'll see him become this amazing, superstar footballer and leave for greener pastures...Hmm, you never know. :cool:
  9. Nothing! I felt the same, I was spitting mad when he slept with Nicole. But I think it's just because I really don't like her...
  10. ^^ Completely agree!! That baby's going to be born with grey hair at this rate.
  11. I love Leah! She's gorgeous, but she belonged with Dan. But with Roman...meh. I dunno, I thought they might be kind of cute...but I've gone off him a bit lately. I wish he'd hurry up and get his sight back.
  12. If he's trying to make amends for what happened with Jack, then the Irene/Belle arrest is certainly not going to win him any admirers.
  13. I like Martha [although I do prefer the old pole-dancing Martha to the wet weekend in Bournemouth she's become] and Hugo's slowly becoming an interesting character to me, but the two of them together? *snooze* Nope, just doesn't work for me. Jack's only been gone a few months and he's his cousin and, ugh, no. Just no.
  14. Serendipity with John Cusack. For the 5th time.
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