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Everything posted by homeandawayroxsomuch.

  1. I somewhat doubt it. I think the past 2 years were to bookend the 35th anniversary year, but they haven't really had old episodes over the break otherwise. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised though.
  2. I've been watching some mid-2000 episodes and I was wondering if it's just me or were the camera angles in the old Stewart House a bit odd? Specifically in episodes 2852, it feels like all the shots there are quite close up, I'd have barely recognised it as the Stewart House. I know there are some wider shots in the mudslide episodes, but that's when the house collapses.
  3. I just thought (probably mistakenly) that @Red Ranger 1 had wondered if Irene had had cancer in the first place, so I was giving confirmation that she had in 2011. I don't think she has done a second time though. The only one I know of is Steph Scully, but that's Neighbours.
  4. Irene had breast cancer in 2011, around the time of Gypsy's return with Lily.
  5. Probably pedantic of me to point out, but if Harper and Dana were Steven and Selina's nieces (personally, I would have loved for them to have been their daughters), they wouldn't be Mathesons because Steven was an only child. If it was on Selina's side, they'd be Cooks. An alternative would be previously unknown daughters of Uncle Phil (but aged down a few years because I think they're born after 1989 and Phil died in 1989), in which case they'd be Steven's cousins.
  6. I feel like the CES was mentioned a lot in the first couple of years, especially in relationship to Lance, Martin, Carly, etc.
  7. For some reason, I feel like Dana is played like what if she could be Steven Matheson's daughter? But then it's been explicitly said that Harper and Dana suffered from neglect due to their parents' drug issues. Steven Matheson would never touch drugs.
  8. I cried when I watched the episodes around Tug's car crash in early 1994 because I watched it barely 6 months after Dieter Brummer died and Shane was the first to realise that something serious was happening with Tug.
  9. Somehow, the highest-rating love interest for Bobby is Alan.
  10. Either way, he was still on the show for a while after leaving the force.
  11. Angelo Rosetta.
  12. I was under the impression that Peta was in year 11 in 2000 too? I can't remember if it was mentioned when she and Edward were planning to leave school and Judith wasn't happy about it because it would affect Peta's future post-Edward's death as well. Definitely Kimberley was 3 years older (and then Aleetza Wood and Cameron Welsh 5 and 6 years older respectively), but then Zac was only 3 months older than Ryan and 6 months older than Bec but seemed older. It also always shocks me that Stephen James King was younger than all of them (a few weeks younger than Bec).
  13. What about Maggie as a school principal?
  14. Alan is a definite highlight of 1988.
  15. Is it just me or is the singer of the theme tune no longer credited? I haven't been able to spot a name.
  16. Do you think Ric and Cassie were the Frank and Bobby of Sally's children? I can't say that Frank and Bobby had a great relationship after their split (he moved away and then when he returned, he just chased her and tried to split her and Greg), but Ric and Cassie remained good friends and foster siblings and he comforted her over the return of Zoe, warned off Macca, and supported her over her HIV diagnosis.
  17. If you looked at a list of Home and Away weddings, the only ones before 2000 that haven't ended in death or divorce and are (to our knowledge) still around today are Carly and Ben and Travis and Rebecca, but Ben was the WORST (I used to call him "Danger Benito"). I wonder what kind of career Carly had with Ben rejoining the army and them having 4 kids by 2001.
  18. Did I read somewhere that it enabled Dennis to spend more time with their daughter? Was he axed or did he choose to leave?
  19. It could be the part where the actor was some 14 years older than Sharyn and Sandie (mid-30s while they were 20). He was also too mates-y outside of school with students played by actors nearly 20 years younger than Peter Bensley.
  20. Two of mine have appeared now (one with 10 points and one with 6 points). I'd expect two of the others to finish in the top 20.
  21. I feel like she looked different even as early as the early 1992 photo of Carly and Ben with their baby. Definitely, by late 1997, she looked quite a bit older than 1988-1991 Carly and you wouldn't have known that it was the same actress, Sharyn looks so different. I'd say she still looks fairly similar to in 1997 now, just hairstyle change and 25 years difference.
  22. I'm not quite sure what you mean about Steven, but to me, Steven was always written as a character who would go off to university after finishing his HSC. Even if he was no longer planning to apply to Oxford or study Medicine, that direction felt like it was there very early on (interest in science from episode 46 or maybe earlier). His departure at the beginning of 1991 would have felt natural even if they hadn't killed off Tom and recast Pippa.
  23. I'd estimate about episode 2150?
  24. What's the difference between Series Producer and Executive Producer? Lucy is actually listed as the Series Producer while the Executive Producer is Julie McGauran (wife of Cameron Welsh).
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