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Everything posted by jodlebirger

  1. At 8.10 p.m., it's partly cloudy and 16 degrees C. The autumn is here.
  2. That is not true, I have seen this recently. Denny was more interested in meeting Casey than meeting him, what happened was not exactly unexpected.. And that is also the reason why Chris was going after Tamara, well he wasn't exactly doing that. Just trying to chat with her. Denny's actions and attitude towards Chris and towards Casey, made Chris uncomfortable and insecure, and with a very good reason. All she did was pining after Casey, and Casey pining after her. And then the stupid pep talk from Brax that he should go after Denny no matter what. No, this is just an another case that it is only the Braxtons that counts. Just remember Heath/LiamI/Bianca storyline.
  3. What on earth have they done to Denny? She was really interesting when she came in, and then she suddenly turns into a "slag". I feel that Casey is too young and immature for her, and she seemed decent until this storyline, so they don't really suit each other. Chris and Denny had so much potential, could have given Chris more mature and meaty storyline, instead of wasting him on "funny" storylines. I really believed in them, they had good chemistry, and both are relatively new. Very stupid to put a new character with someone who has been on the show for years. I think that they have totally changed her character, just like they did to Hannah. Shame with Denny, because it was so much more to develop there. I am some months behind, but I do think that Casey-Denny-Chris triangle is still going on, by reading the Australian discussion. And I don't see the point in that.
  4. I can't stand this character. She is a symbol on what is wrong with H&A. She was meant to be worried about the twins because of their father. She arrived as a worried aunt, was meant to be mature despite her young looks. But she never was convincing. I felt she was far too young. And I was right, suddenly they changed her and made her a teen like 20's something. She is acting like a wild teenager, but meant to take care of the twins. It seems to me that she doesn't really want to have that responsibility, but that doesn't fit with her arrival. Even if she never was convincing, they really killed her character when they coupled her with Andy. The way she is with Andy t is not the way a responsible adult is behaving. I honestly think they have changed Zack too, he really had so much potential, now he is acting very different from what he did when he first arrived. But I wonder if the casting of Hannah is to blame. It would have been geat if Hannah was played by a really completely different person, someone around 35-36 with more mature looks and way of talking and behaving. Would have suited Zack better, even if they aren't a couple. Easier to give them storylines as adults. There isn't really much difference between Hannah and the teens, which is wrong in my opinion. They need to portray adults as adults. Charlie was probably the first immature adult woman, but she was still far more adult than Hannah, even they must be meant to be at the same age. And do they cast only Charlie/Esther Anderson copies now? young beautiful women in their 20's with black hear. I think that a lot of the current cast are Charlie copies.
  5. She left long ago, but I do agree with you. I was thinking about this afternoon that 2013 was a better year that 2014 has been so far (april 2014 eps), and Rosie was one of the reasons. I think that Rosie had so much potential, not only because she was empathetic and bright, but she had a good backstory which could be developed and used better. Why on earth was she placed with foster parents? We never really saw the foster parents (just a scene by the end), she should have been placed with Irene. She needed guidance and support and it would have been great to see her get that. She was a typical character Irene would have been good with. We should have seen her real parents, and we should have seen her grown into a more secure woman. A lot of potential storylines there. I don't think she had to leave to make room for Spencer/Sasha.. I wonder if she was written out to give room for the twins. But the writers could have cut down the repeating triangles (Tamara, Kyle, Casey) a instead. And Rosie was a far better character than the twins. I wasn't a fan of her pregnancy and the rape storyline, but they could still have written her as a young mom, or just adopt the baby away. She was too young and immature to be a mum.
  6. I don't think he is.. Very forced face expressions and emotions when he plays Casey. I have sometimes laughed at his most dramatic and emotional angry scenes, he looks funny instead of sad, angry and so on. But maybe he is better in different roles, comedy for example. I think he is probably better with non-emotional storylines. Casey is a very dramatic character, and it would have been better to have someone who is better with the "dramatic" scenes.
  7. At 23.00 it is raining and 18 degrees C. It was sunny and 23 earlier today.
  8. I think they destroyed Martha, there is no way she can return. Not in a believable way. She ran away with a people smuggler and murderer. To make her return from that will destroy her further. Such things can happen to characters like the Braxtons, but not someone who is related to Alf (or the other long time characters). And I don't think the actress can return to the channel, but I wish she could. I would have loved to see Martha and Roo together. As said in a previous post, I think Roo was brought back into the show too late.
  9. Raining, windy and thunderstorms, 22 degrees C.
  10. To be honest, I never understood the hype. Because as you say, he was only in it for a few scenes during a couple of episodes. But we were a bit spoilt in 2007-2008 about the exciting teens they brought in, well developed and with a good backstory. And in early 2009 we had got Xavier who was not popular at all in the beginning. Some of the other teens who still were at school, Annie and Melody weren't popular at all. And Geoff had started to loose popularity. It was signs of the new era (which we still are in), when the teens don't have real storylines but just are moping around. So people thought that this Archie could be more exciting.... But it all comes down with the writing. Archie could have become a dull teen too, with the same writing style. And Annie, Xavier and Melody could have been more exciting, if they were written better.
  11. Thunderstorms, 25 degrees C.
  12. I wonder if Steve isn't that popular as he once was... He didn't get a logie this year either... And I feel that the producers and seven bosses did expect him to do that. I saw all the interviews on the OS around the logies time. But he was away for a few months, maybe he will be nominated next year (soap awards) and even win a logie. But i do think that it is great that Dan Ewing finally get some attention for his portrayal as Heath. He has always been in the shadow of the two others. He deserves better.
  13. This is a bit nonsense, because you have forgotten the whole lines. It was Brax who was the main factor to the lead up, when Heath smashed Hammer's car... but Brax is more speculated and calculated and his actions are always somehow covered up... So we are supposed to think that Brax is the hero.. but when you really are watching the details, you see that it is Brax is really the bad guy. And Brax actions against Jake and his brother, and that resulted in Charlie's death... When Angelo was kidnapped by the Braxtons, Brax was the brain behind the actions. And he ordered Heath to do things to Angelo so he wouldn't be able to testify. He was too much of a covard to do things himself, because then he wouldn't be able to let Heath take the blame. But the less calculated but hot head Heath messed up things. He hit Angelo with a shovel, but Brax told him to "finish" the job... Heath took him to the hospital. Brax was the one who took the restaurant away from Angelo, not Heath!! Brax is always being a bully when something is up, Heath has learned to react more like a "normal person" now. But Brax is getting worse and worse. Like when Charlie died, he had just lost his girlfriend of 3 days (and 6 months of arguing if they should be a couple or not), and he was acting like he owned Charlie and like he was the victim. Ruby was the sister/daughter and she was never like Brax. He acted aggressive towards the doctors when Casey was hurt multiple times. Brax is the one who never want to call the police, when they are threatened. He threatened and almost abused a half badly injured Tamara when she had escaped from Adam. Brax is more manipulative towards his girlfriends than Heath has been towards Bianca (Bianca is the dominating one there). Brax is trying to run his brothers lives and the writers justify it with this "Brax is so" protective thing, but being manipulative has nothing to do with brotherly love. And so on... the list is long. I am not saying that Heath was an angel, but Brax was the brain against his actions a lot of the times. And Heath has changed, and Brax hasn't.
  14. Partly cloudy and still very warm, 28 degrees C.
  15. I think we have agree on disagree. Brax hasn't developed that much. And too much has been forgotten about when it comes to this character, he is still a kind of psychopath, two faced character. The writers have always let the others take the blame and Brax play the victim or the hero when Brax has been the leader and taken the bad decisions. And he has never had any progress like Kane for instance. There have been a lot of bad boy characters that development have been thrown away by their departure storyline (Kane, Jesse +++), but Brax isn't that kind of character. Not at all. If they had thrown all the progress Heath has done it would have been wrong, just as the situations with many other characters in the past. I have always thought that Brax is just a copy of his father. He is only much smarter, and two faced. They have all a bit of Danny in them in the way they are treating each other and their ladies. Their ladies are never going to be fully included in their activities, they are just like a pet or hobby for them. Just like Danny and Barrets father did their crimes, and their women never really knew what they were going to do. We have seen the Braxtons brother doing a lot of things and put their activities and their brotherhood first. And Brax is always the leader of this kind of activity. He was quick to push Charlie, Natalie and Ricky aside when something showed up. And that is not how it works. When you are in a relationship the lady and the kids have to come first. The exception is Heath, who has tried to become a real man.
  16. Sunny, and 27 degrees C.
  17. The only fitting departure for Brax is jail. My wish is that they could bring Angelo back as a witness for the police and justice authorities and the storyline about the drug farm, and all the other crimes that Brax has done should come back and "bite him". That would have been a good ending and also good continuity, because the storyline about Brax has been full of holes. I really don't hope they kill him off, because then it will be a wave of sympathy like when Charlie, Flynn, Jack and Belle died, and Brax don't really deserve that. And with all his brothers gone, there will be no point in killing him off. He has no real contact outside his family, besides Ricky and even if they try suddenly to change that it will not work. It had to be done from the beginning like with Heath. To be honest, if one of the brothers should have died, it should have been Heath... Because that would have caused the most grief among the other charachers since he is the only Braxton who hasn't been isolated from the community, but has had a lot of contact with Irene and others. And he is the Braxton character who has gone through the most personally, so it would have been more emotional.
  18. Earlier today 29 degrees Celsius and partly cloudy. Now tonight 26 degrees and i bit wind, and a thunderstorm nearby.
  19. It was really warm in southern part of Norway today. Maybe not for an Australian, but for a northern European it was. 31 degrees Celsius in Lillehammer, Norway, and other places there was temperatures up to 34. Not often that happens in Norway. And also temperatures between 25-30 C in Nothern parts of Norway. That is very rare too. Last time we had such high temperatures over days, was in 2008. It's now 02.35 and it's still 22 degrees C. outside my window! I am not "made" for high temperatures, and it is on days and nights like this I am happy that I don't live in hot areas of the world (like Africa, Australia++).
  20. Wow, such impressing lists !!! Interesting reading. It seems to me that some years there have been many on - and off-screen marriages and egangements, but other years not many at all. Interesting to read about the years from 1988 to 1993. H&A wasn't shown here in those years. And I have forgotten about a lot of the happenings. This must have taken ages to make! Thanks for your good work!
  21. We never learned what happened to Angelo and Charlie during that "6 week blackout", only that they had broken up and seem angry at each other. Nothing more. I think it was only because the writers planned to get rid of Angelo, and wanted to put Charlie with the upcoming new character Brax. As far as I know, the show's producers created a buzz and hype around the Braxtons and Charlie/Brax relationship. In that way they could control the viewers and steer towards a certain success.
  22. What about retirement, and not wanting to have an extremely long work day! He is 77!!!! It's not always the writers and producers fault. And if Noman Coburn thought the storylines in 2007 would ruin Fischer, and cared about the character he wouldn't have played it at all. He does read script before acting!! I think it is wrong to state the reason why someone who aren't returning and when an actor quits home and away. We don't know the truth... And people have personal lives, families and health which we don't know anything about. Home and away is a job for an actor, and people change jobs all the time, and it's not always a disagreement at work that leads to that decision.
  23. Yes, but that is my point. If his storyline about Mark was more about him, and his background (his sister, family, parents) was used more effectively to make his character more "defined", then he would have been more interesting. The same with Tamara, the twins and more. This is is the problem with H&A today. The backstories are just mentioned or used quickly to get the characters together as a couple and then only focus on triangles or less interesting stuff. Earlier on, the characters backstories were developed together with the couples and as a parallel sometimes. That made the characters more interesting.. Just like Adens backstory, Kane's, Kirsty's, Josh West's and so on.
  24. Seriously isn't it more repetitive with boys and men who is bad and we are suppose to think they are good? Characters who never change? We have certainly got more of those in the past few years. Characters who are doing bad stuff and never get any character development. I think these bad boys going good are quite good storylines. Because their backstories can be done differently every time. But they do have to dig into the backstory and use time on it and also dig into character development to make it work. And they are not doing these kind of background storylines and character development these days. Just look at the twins, their backstoryline was just an another over-the-top storyline, instead of writing more about the twins who had lost their mother, and their father had kind of lost his mind... And that is the reason why people have difficulties with connecting with these characters. From what I've seen is Mark an another character who is just a bit bad sometimes, but we haven't seen him enough with his family. His sister seem to be sent away very quickly. And the guy who plays him is not believable as a teenager. The show is in a mess now, when it comes to generations.. The adult characters are played by actors who are too young, or are acting like teenagers and the teens are played by adults who looks just as old as the adult characters (in the 20's and 30´'s) and they are acting the same. A bad boy character or a troubled teenage character will never work when it doesn't have good adult characters around to support their development.
  25. I think the relationship with Spencer moved Sasha as a character forward. But then the development stopped, and the character reversed when Spencer revealed about his bipolar and joined the cult... I want Sasha to move on and grow up a bit. I think we have seen enough of Sasha doing rebellion stuff and dating troublemakers. She has been on the show for a long time, and I think that her character is just going in circles now. But back to Matt... I want the writers to explore his background and also let us know his parents properly.. even if they are not good parents. I don't want his background storyline been done in just a couple of episodes, and after that he will only have relationship related storylines and storylines about crimes and doing mistakes over and over again.
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