933 -
Days Won
Everything posted by jodlebirger
In my opinion what's happened, so far, between Matt and Sasha has seemed very natural and, without spoiling anything, a lot of it has been much more in character for Sasha than anything we've seen from her during her relationship with Spencer. The only problem I have, from a story telling point of view, is how abruptly they've had her relationship with Spencer hit the rocks. That came out of nowhere, but then their whole relationship was a bit of a non entity as far as I was concerned anyway. I disagree... the relationship with Sasha and Spencer had a great build up, when they were supporting Rosie. I do agree that it was a shame that Rosie was used just as a plot to get Sasha and Spencer together, though. She should have been explored more as a character of her own, she just left right after Spencer and Sasha got together. I think she should have been made as a regular at that point.
Wow, you must be the only one. No... But I am a bit behind.. I don't think that Sasha is suited to these bad boys she always get hooked up with. Spencer was the only one she felt natural with. But I think they killed both the chemistry between Sasha and Spencer, and Spencer as a character, when they did the "bipolar" storyline. It was handled so badly. Matt arrived here (on my tv-screen) a little while ago, and isn't the person who's playing him faaar to old, and big for playing a 17 year old? It feels weird. I don't believe in him as a troubled teenager. And whilst I don't see the problem with older persons playing teenagers, I do think that it matters how the actor looks and how the actor/actress plays the role.. If he/she looks his age or older and he/she wasn't able to speak and act as a teenager (facial expressions etc), they shouldn't use him/her... And I don't think that Alec Snow is believable as a teenager. I see that someone has compared him to Aden... but he is far from being as good as Aden was. Aden was well written, Todd Lasance looked younger than he was. He was also able to make him speak, act, and have facial expressions that made him a believable as a teen.
Chris Harrington - Johnny Ruffo
jodlebirger replied to i LUV handa's topic in Character/Actor Discussion
Deeply regrets are not enough in a situation when you have almost killed someone. He should be devastated... almost hysterical, actually. I haven't seen it... But I have a feeling. We have just seen Chris' reaction to Spencer joining the cult, here. And whilst I think that Johny Ruffo did a great job in the few scenes he was in, I think that the writers and producers did not make enough out of Chris role as Spencers brother in that storyline. He should be the most worried person, and we should have seen more scenes of him and less with Sasha. And we should have seen him react as a family member, contacting the parents for example. I have a feeling that it will be the same with later "heavier" storylines with Chris... That we are not seeing enough hard feelings, and not seeing enough of him after something has happened. -
Chris Harrington - Johnny Ruffo
jodlebirger replied to i LUV handa's topic in Character/Actor Discussion
I dislike that they are going to make him the new Dex.. (Dex is still around for a few weeks here in Norway). But I see that they are going to use Chris only for comedy, they already do, and I really think that is wrong. What I didn't like with Dex was that serious storylines was made to be kind of quirky and funny. I don't want Chris to have storylines like that. I want him to have some funny things to do now and then, but I also wish that the writers could develop Chris' more serious side. I think they should dig deeper in the relationship with him and Spencer..., and I think they should go develop and explore the relationship with Chris and his parents. And I also wish that serious storylines could be treated like serious ones with drama, also for non-Braxtons, and use these storyline to develop the characters. I want to see characters like Spencer, Chris cry too for real reasons not only silly love stories. I don't want the whole show to be too serious, but I think it is pointless and completely wrong to use one half of the cast for more "shallow" and underdeveloped storylines, quirky and funny storylines and the other half for the serious stuff. To get to know the characters more, we need to be shown deeper storylines with all the new characters. And then brighten up the show up with happy storylines now and then for everyone. Chris has so much potential, and I saw in the beginning and a bit with Indi that Johny Ruffo as Chris is capable of doing other things than just comedy. I honestly think he is underrated, and a lot of people judged him when he came into the show. And the only reason was that he had been on Australian Idol or X-factor... I don't think that he is will be dominating in big Hollywood movies soon, but seriously he is better than a lot of others on the show.. H&A has a good mix of actors of different qualities. From what I have seen with him and Irene, I really like their scenes together... They have good on-screen chemistry which is important also in non-romantic relationships, friendship and conversations. Irenes scenes with Bianca and April were never really good to me, because I thought that something was missing between the characters. Chris and Irenes chemistry is much better, and I want them not only to have funny scenes, but also serious and deep talks.. -
Light snow falling down from the clouds. - 5 degrees. The forecast for the weekend says degrees above zero and rain. I really don't want it to rain now, it can wait until the spring. Ice, slush and slippy roads everywhere are something I really don't want to have before it is necessary.
Snowing, again. Heavy wet snow, and - 3 degrees celsius.
well, it says 10 years now...
still snowing, but now just a little... -11 degrees C.
still snowing. -6 degrees Celsius. From green lawns to this show chaos. It has been snowing for days.
Congratulations and happy birthday to BTTB!!! Thank to you all for your hard work with this site!! And I also want to add that this site is a gold mine for us non-Australian and non-British fans. We never get any information about the show or the actors in it, because it is "only" a daytime show from a country far away. So even if we are a bit behind Australia and UK in storylines, it is easy to read about what you wrote about the show a bit back. And the episode guide/short summaries are great to use as a guide to find the right week. It is great to read what other people think about the characters and also join the discussion, and exciting to read what is coming up for us. I was reading on other sites too a few years back, but they were closed down. I hope this site will survive as long as the show does exist, and that you will find motivation too keep up the good work. I know you probably don't hear it often, but I think that people really appreciate your work, I surely do!!
Snowing all day, and - 9 Celsius.
Finally some winter temperature again, and it snowed a little yesterday so it is a white carpet outside. Tonight it is -15 degrees C and clear.
Mild and raining. +3 degrees Celsius. Green lawns. Seriously, where has the winter gone? Green lawns and no signs of snow in January, never experienced that before and I am over 40. It's not so unusual at the coastline, but here in Norway inland it is extremely unusual.
I never belived in Maddy and Spencer as a supercouple, and I don't think they were meant to be that. I think it was just a way to introduce them as charachters. But I found their introduction very messy, and I never felt they were very in love with each other. At that time it felt like Spencer was Maddie's older brother, far more wise than her. There were far to many wholes in the storyline, and they did not feel like a young couple that had to run away to be with each other. Why did they run after three years and not before?? So far (July 2013) i really like Sasha and Spencer. I really like that the storyline about Rosie brought them together, it was a good build up. But I think it was a shame that Rosie wasn't promoted as a regular, though. But she could have been in the show, still with Sasha and Spencer together. I wonder if Spencer suddenly being bipolar is going to destroy them as a couple? I haven't seen it, just read about it and the reactions here on this forum. Because it seem to me that more people loved Sasha and Spencer in the beginning. And by the sound of it, Maddy did not know... And why did not hos parents mentioned it when they visited the Bay? Or Chris the first time he was around? Weird and unbeliveable. Maybe they did do that to cause some trouble between Sasha and Spencer. But sometimes when storylines suddenly pop up without a build up and a good developement, it just destroyes the charachters that are involved.
Marilyn Chambers - Emily Symons
jodlebirger replied to -Kevin-'s topic in Character/Actor Discussion
No, i think Fischer looks much younger than his age Why? don't just give a one word answer it's rather rude ;) the last time i saw Maz in around 2011 she seemed more mature and this is good as it's realistic I think Fischer looks young for his age, i watched a clip from 1995 when he was hit by Alf and he Didnt look a day over 50 Hehehe.. Look at. Marilyn in 1995, she looked certainly younger than in her 40's then. And you and I looked far younger than we do now. Why? Because it is 19 years ago. I think mr Coburn was in his mid fifties back then. But how they look doesn't really matter. It is also against forum rules to discuss the actors looks!!!But my my point is that I think the age difference between those two was too big. I did not belive in them as a couple. Some people here wish that Marilyn was written ditzy as she was in the mid 90's and think it is bad continuity and bad writing of the character when she isn't. She was ditzy when she came back in 2010, and I think that was bad continuity. Because Marilyn was not ditzy the last few years she was ib the show in the nineties. And I did not find the way she was in 2010 funny. I thought she was annoying, loud and rude. But now in 2013 season she is portrayed far too stupid. She does not feel funny or sweet, but less smart and almost like a person with cognitive problems. I wonder if she is meant to be ditzy and funny, but I find her cringeworthy and awful at times. Especially when she is pining after John, and Roo's involvement does not make it better. Maybe this changed towards the end of the year, but... I have liked her now and then the past couple of years, but it seems to me that the writers can't make up their mind of how they want to write her. And it is the same feeling I had when I watched late nineties episodes many years back. Marilyn was best until about mid nineties. -
The snow did not last for long… Mild weather and rain in early morning. Cloudy now. I've never seen stranger Christmas weather like this.., not for so many days in a row.
-3 degrees C and snowing.
Very mild, clear with a few skies, and +4 degrees Celsius…. Not exactly Christmas weather… looks like April…. This is the mildest Christmas here in almost 200 years.
+6 degrees C and raining and windy. I can´t remember it raining this much on Christmas eve before! All snow is almost wiped away and it is just slush and ice everywhere.
Deleted. Was wrong tread.
raining and raining, only ice outside and dangerous for people and animals to walk. Is this supposed to be winter?? +3 degrees C.
raining and mild! +2 C ... very icy outside.... all snow on the trees has melted... Far too mild...
snowing and snowing.... And mild -0,5 C Hopefully it doesn´t get milder (even if the forecast says it will) I don´t want rain in all this snow....
It is a bit cold this night. It is -15 degrees Celsius right now (at 01.00 A.M)
- 2 degrees celsius, cloudy, a bit windy and snowing!