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Everything posted by aussie_female

  1. I been waiting for so so for a letter today, I got excited as I had something in the mail opened it and all it was was a photocopy from the office saying, I hope I like the show and enjoy the cards they sent me. So I looked and there was just 1 card of Catherine Mack pre signed. After all the letters I sent and time it took. How did you know they weren't sorting mail, did you call? I called a few weeks to a month ago asking if Rhiannon got my birthday gift they said they hadn't seen it but nothing about no one was doing the mail. Why do they stop, doesn't it get sorted just when it comes in?
  2. thats the addy i used to but th3ey say to write to seven netork seven network po box 777 pyrmont nsw 2009
  3. I made her a hand made scrapbook with paper bags took so long. There are two addresses, which one did you send them to samdanfan? They told me that they open the letters and parcels etc before they get to the star so there is nothing bad in them. It hasn't come back to me either. Funny Rhi tweeted me that she promises she will get it, I'm like I love how you promise but you can't make the mail not get lost or delayed lol. I met her last year at Telethon, she was lovely. I was talking to her and Reece and he was trying to add me to twitter so she promised she will get him to as his phone was playing up and she did get him to it was great. Ohh and if you are outside of Australia or even living here you know Dan and Lisa from "Home and Away" along with Dan's wife they are wanting donations for a great cause SIDS Look her up on twitter @marnilittle http://www.stickytickets.com.au/10510/20_to_go.aspx Go to to site and help out if you can. Librarian Note: Please use proper SPAG and not text speak when posting on the forum. Oh and use the Edit Button instead of posting three separate posts - thanks!
  4. I sent Rhi a birthday gift a month ago and it still hasn't gotten to her, she tweeted me. I called channel 7 and they put me through to the "Home and Away" office and told me next time to sent mail to the Pyrmont address for mail but I used a different one PO Box 7777 and had letters back from there before. They will keep an eye out I hope it wasn't lost. Also if any one is interested I have fan cards some are signed some not from "Home and Away", "Packed to the Rafters" and "Winners and Losers". I've put them on Ebay and they are new ones.
  5. I have only ever got 3 replies so far have written to a few but I have met lots of the cast from Paul, John, Chris, Ada, Steve, both Links, Esther, Lyn, Samara and can't think who else. Still hope for some letters.
  6. I have only got one from Lisa, Luke and Rhi. Haven't got one from anyone else and not for ages still hoping.
  7. I got one back from Luke a signed fan card and a letter. What you mean you see my name on there Twitter? I went to Telethon last year and stayed at the same hotel so met lost there and got a kiss from Steve and Linc two of the River boys lol. Lynne is following me and most remember me from Twitter and Telethon so when they reply at let they know who they are talking to. lol
  8. I got a fan card and letter from Rhiannon today finally got one back lol. She knows me from Twitter and we talk abit on there to. She said Twitter me to tell me when you get my letter lol.
  9. That was nice of her, I sent letters ages with pics so this time just a letter. I was meant to meet Dan this year but he couldn't make it so got to meet Linc and Steve the other Braxton bros lol. Cross fingers hope I get a letter. Have you always received replies or are there some you have never got a reply from?
  10. Lucky you. I have only ever received one from Paul O'Brien but it was a photo copy. I have sent letters now so not sure when they will be there to get them or they get sent them on holidays. I have met Lisa, she is nice. Did they both write letters or just signed a fan card?
  11. That's not the addy I was given before. Home & Away ATTN Channel 7 Mobbs Lane Epping NSW 2121 Australia
  12. Two River boys use Twitter Dan and Lincoln as well as Samara, David, Charles, Ada, Lynne, Lisa, Charles and a few more.
  13. Lol when I met him he signed it to Vicki my number 1 River girl.
  14. I have never received a letter back yet but last weekend I stayed at the same hotel and I met Steve, Linc aka the River boys, Lisa, Samara, Lynne, David, Charles, Esther and other stars. I found Esther's purse and she was so happy never knew she lost it. Whats the addy again to write to Home and Away?
  15. u can print your own from the home and away site they have there cards on there for fans.i never got a reply from sent mail but i have met most of the cast and got them signed face to face
  16. it was a fake thing i found on facebook someone pretending to be her left it
  17. You are all lucky, I sent letters to most ages ago and still no reply yet. Mabey they only reply to some but I can still hope.
  18. Rebecca Breeds Hey..... How's life going?? I don't think you know but me and Todd are together now and i'm pregnent. I'm loving life but it's DEFINTLY going to be sad to leave home and away. After a year might come back but while waiting till the baby's old enough gonna miss the crew Terribly. How about you, what have you been doing lately? Rebecca x carefull of the lies
  19. u are all lucky i have written to most and havent got a reply yet at all and im in aust to lol seams like alot of pep outside of aust get them
  20. they dont look to badly bent but thats what i hate about the postman they dont care i hope if i get them back they doont get bend or ripped
  21. I imagine its an address on an industrial estate just north of Heathrow is it not? That's normal - not sure of the whole logistics behind it but it's an international distribution centre which sorts mail for major contract customers. I imagine its easier (and cheaper) for company mail to be shipped over to the depot in the UK for them to sort out postage costs. so what we send it to aust to where we are ment to then they write on it like bec did send it to england or were ever to get send backk to us?that sounds like it would cost more or something like that.i still havent got nothing back still waiting
  22. that sounds werid what was the addy?im sure there should be a place in aust.can u be sure it was from her i mean u didnt send it some were else?or it went to the wrong place
  23. like i said if u want to get fan cards and dont mind printing them out yourself go to the home and away site and u can dl them on there.and what gets me mad is some of the say hand signed which they arnt.they are the same thing when u go to a signing and they have the fan cards there they are already signed and u get one and they sign it for u.it should say pre printed signed or something.when i can i will scan my home and away signed photos i won them at a convention was thinking of making coppies and selling them as it would cost a bit to get them printed ect or sell the origionals either way if they are coppies u dont put on there origionals
  24. i see on ebay pep selling fan cards for 17 dollars not signed or nothing same ones u can dl youself on the home and away site.also i might sell coppies or the origionals ages ago i won the photos of home and away when they used to play there song and pep were in boxes photos oriogionals signed like the old pep kip hailey dan ect they are origionals i will scan to show pep when i can also got signed scrips.got the photos of neighbors and headland will scan when i can
  25. i have got personal signed cares when i met the cast and i do scarapbooking so i keep the origional and make coppies its easy done if know what u are doing and lots say they are hand signed but that dont always mean the star signed it sometimes it is just the card with the pre printed thing on it.if u want some fan cards wih out buying of ebay and have there signed name pre printed just go to the home and away site u can dl and print cards from there its a new thing.www.homeandaway.com.au.yer dont think i will get anything or link or todd as they have left but i have met them and i wrote to david and bec again still waiting.seams like all the pep outside of aust get replys before we do i wonder why.and they seam to get replyed to quicker then us.mabey put a gift or money in it then u might get something lol
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