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Everything posted by Hrhpm

  1. Guys, did I miss something or was the whole thing with Gina and the menopause completely ignored after she pretty much forgave him when he invited her to Hawaii? Did we ever find out why she was cranky and depressed?
  2. I have a theory, well, I'm a few weeks behind in Ireland so developments may have happened that I haven't seen yet. Anyway, perhaps Darryl isn't 'bad'. It seems to me that the only 'bad' ones are Ma Braxton and Heath, perhaps Darryl is the leader of the gang to keep Heath and Casey out of trouble. He knows he's much smarter than Heath, and that if Heath was the leader of the gang, they'd all be in prison by now and that Casey would be more deeply involved with them. He's the oldest of the brothers and perhaps feels responsible for them. I don't know where Da Braxton is and when he left, but it looks to me that Darryl is the one who is raising them and knowing he can't stop Heath from growing and dealing and generally getting up to divilment, at least Darryl is smart enough to outwit the cops, Heath definitely isn't. I don't think Darryl is involved for money or profit, he's only involved to keep Heath out of prison and Casey out of the gang.
  3. I'm in Ireland and a couple of weeks behind you guys (Miles has just laughed at Leah for having stuff in her teeth after the drugs squad visited Angelo's) but I find them terribly creepy, Miles in particular, the way he stares at her and has his hands in his pockets and frowns at her all the time. I think it's terribly forced and very, very wrong.
  4. Hey, do you mind helping out someone who's been watching for ages but just can't remember much from where you're up to? I honestly don't remember Belle and Angelo having more than a drink together. It really doesn't matter now but this bugs me because it's been mentioned a few times but still I don't recall them actually dating or Angelo being a rival to Aden. Can you fill me in as to whether they do date? Cheers! If I remember right: Angelo rescued her when Aden kidnapped her and they started being friends, he asked her out and they got together. While they were going out, she had Angelo investigate the people at the development site for her, during this time she got back together with Aden and after Aden had a go at Angelo for not being able to stop the people at the development site, Angelo told them at a town meeting that he know about their affair. I think Angelo had to arrest her for protesting too.
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