Just re-watching some recent Matt and Evie scenes... and something randomly occurred to me- when did Matt start drinking again?
In the period after he admitted to Leah and Nate that he needed help and went to the retreat, the aftermath was fairly ok- there were mentions of his drug and alcohol counsellor, I remember at least Leah and Josh mentioning his sobriety (maybe others but I don't remember anymore than that!), and for a while after that whenever other characters in scenes with him were drinking, he wasn't. But nowadays he's seen drinking with Ash and Justin and stuff?
I know they haven't forgot his past problems, because when Matt was helping Evie out with the safe zone for the Schoolies, he told her when he was drinking he could have used a refuge like it. But was there ever a mention of when Matt actually did start drinking again?(Not to excess like before, I know.) I can't remember it, it just seemed to randomly start happening again!