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    home and away

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    home and away<br /> Nicholas Bishop AKA sexy detective Baker!!

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  1. Keep it up. Very good!
  2. That is the mystrey because the screen cut off and nobody has been back to Sally house yet......
  3. All good nicole. bet your glad i perswaded you to write a fan fic....
  4. Me and my sister are writing this fan fic. My part will be up later!
  5. Could someone please tell me what font they used?
  6. What did the Letter say?
  7. I made this for Bttb. I have posted it in my creatity section but I don't no weather you wanted to use if for the bttb header?
  8. Hi I was wonderng if the header will changed often?
  9. Did he send you a letter aswell? Im so jealous. Now i am deffernutly going to write him a letter. I think your the first person I know who he has wrote back to.
  10. No its ok thanks. I just wanted to see how popular it was
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