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Everything posted by ~Stella~

  1. Marilyn-11 Rabbit-10 Rachel-8 Charlie-10 Ruby-7 Annie-2 Miles-12 Tony-8 Leah-9 Irene-7 Colleen-6 Alf-5 Elijah-13
  2. I just love these two as a couple anyone else a fan?
  3. I agree, i think there is a certain amount of jealousy as its a boy. He definately has no right though to tell Molly that she should abort her child, thats just plain cruel
  4. Same for me, Charlie's the only one i would miss, to be honest the rest of them bore me
  5. Hiya, love your personal photo, very cool :)

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  6. Love the colouring on them
  7. Hiya Janie, yeah thats fine, added you back :D

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  8. Marilyn-11 Justin-3 Rabbit-9 Rachel-7 Charlie-9 Ruby-5 Annie-6 Miles-12 Tony-6 Leah-8 VJ-3 Irene-6 Colleen-5 Alf-5 Romeo-2 Elijah-11
  9. Been lovely and sunny today
  10. Marilyn - 9 Justin - 5 Rabbit - 7 Rachel - 5 Charlie - 8 Ruby - 5 Annie - 6 Miles - 11 Nicole - 5 Tony - 5 Aden - 3 Martha - 2 Liam - 7 Leah - 5 VJ - 4 Irene - 5 Colleen - 5 Alf - 5 Romeo - 5 Elijah - 9
  11. Sunny and warm all day
  12. Leah - 90 Irene - 13
  13. Leah - 65 Romeo - 5 Irene - 22 Alf - 11
  14. Cold and dull
  15. Leah - 62 Romeo - 10 Irene - 17 Alf - 14
  16. Love these icons, so gorgeous
  17. Leah - 53 Charlie- 7 Miles - 7 Romeo - 16 Irene - 10 Alf - 11
  18. Quite sunny today
  19. Leah - 51 Charlie- 8 Miles - 8 Romeo - 17 Irene - 10 Alf - 10 Nicole - 0 Nicole is out
  20. Leah - 48 Charlie- 9 Miles - 7 Romeo - 20 Irene - 9 Alf - 9 Nicole - 2
  21. Sleet and snow all day
  22. Rachel - 2 Leah - 45 Charlie- 9 Miles - 7 Romeo - 19 Irene - 8 Alf - 10 Nicole - 4
  23. Rachel - 7 Leah - 39 Charlie- 9 Miles - 8 Romeo - 21 Irene - 8 Alf - 8 Nicole - 6
  24. Quite mild tonight
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