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Everything posted by Catchastar

  1. Awesome, I love Noah/Kit. Nice to see a fic of them , loved the ending. More noah and Kit please xx Catchastar
  2. Wow this has got me hooked , I just read all five chapters, I can't believe Martha is gone . Please update soon. xx Sara
  3. Aw that was a perfect ending Hope you wirte and epilogue, but if ya don't I look forward to reading whatever you write next . xx Catchastar
  4. High School Musical
  5. Great chapter, Loved the Henry and Maddy interaction I couldn't help but giggle .
  6. Great chapter. Loved the Mattie/Henry bonding . Looking forward to reading more.
  7. You write Matilda and Ric so well I just love them together. Please update soon ;)
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