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Everything posted by NuttyNeighbour

  1. Nice to see I've made such an impression
  2. Hey GOs. can't believe I missed the BTTB BB finale again, but let's just say I got an offer I couldn't refuse..... Congrats Liz BTW. Liz, Si, eating people's pets now are you?
  3. Nah, this has been for about a week. I had accidentally cliked 'sign me in automatically' and then when I tried to find out hoe to undo it, I screwed it up somehow so I had to uninstall it.
  4. Hey Golden Oldies, my Windows Messenger is screwed so I won't be on it for a while. Just thought I'd let you know ;)
  5. Whenever I'm not here The Golden Oldies always seems to die!
  6. I visited it yesterday... looks quite good. Forums for Charmed and Smallville! Will probably visit it after the Charmed finale tonight! Awww, I'm so sad that it's ending!
  7. Yeah, we've been congratulating her on msn
  8. Hmm.. will need to think about who my top favourites are.
  9. How did you remember that?
  10. Added! Speak to you soon!
  11. Cool thanks!
  12. Aaargh, no-one from my contacts list is on msn! I guess I'll be stuck with the actual board tonight.
  13. Just tore myself away from the weird MSN smut to say hello
  14. Oh yeah, they were both Summarisers at the same time!
  15. But none of the other GOs knew her except you, d'oh! I didn't mean everyone else will have forgotten her!
  16. I forgot how addictive it was... I used to chat for ages to Gemma Gets sad when he realises Ryan might remember her, no-one else will
  17. Cool! My address is alex_ada[at]hotmail[dot]com Add me if you want - but I may need a minute to try and figure out how to use MSN, I haven't used it in ages...
  18. Yo, yo, yo, wassup homies?
  19. Hey GOs, I'm going away for the weekend but will be back on Monday okay. See youse!
  20. There have been... 14 Red Rangers and six black rangers, so there are lots of possibilities. There was? I can only name a few. Zack, Adam and Tommy(Dino Thunder). Who were the others? Carlos (Space, also second green ranger in Turbo), the alien guy (Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, forget the character's actual name) and the guy from Wild Force (again, forget the name)
  21. Really? I suppose that's better than New Zealanders trying to sound American. Although I haven't seen it since season 10 (the last one filmed in America, the acting in which was so horrifically awful that I have been scarred for life) so maybe the accents weren't that bad. Wild Force? Oh come on, no one liked that! At least they followed it up with 3 fantastic series! It was worse than Turbo *shudders* How could they replace Rocky with a ****ing kid!? I'll shut up now. The point of Turbo was that it was supposed to be a COMEDY! Unfortunately no-one (including me) realised that at the time, because 12-year olds don't understand irony. Wild Force stank like monkey crap. Ditto for Lightspeed Rescue. Now, I like all the first six seasons (well, as much as a 21-year-old can like a kids' show made in the nineties) Maybe if they stopped blatantly copying the original Japanese version, actually came up with their own stories and added a more adult feel (as they successfully did with Time Force, only to ruin it the next year with Wild Force) then they would get more 15-to-20 year-olds. But the problem is that they only care about getting 8-to-15 year olds because they're the ones who buy the ridiculously expansive range of toys. There have been... 14 Red Rangers and six black rangers, so there are lots of possibilities.
  22. Really? I suppose that's better than New Zealanders trying to sound American. Although I haven't seen it since season 10 (the last one filmed in America, the acting in which was so horrifically awful that I have been scarred for life) so maybe the accents weren't that bad. RE: Crystal Maze, my favourite zone was either Aztec or Futuristic Woohoo, 2300 posts. Actually not that many compared to most all of you.
  23. LOL, thanks for turning one of my favourite childhood shows into something dirty! Although I have had some naughty thoughts about certain cast members in the past. *grins* I still can't believe they make Power Rangers in New Zealand now.
  24. I liked Crystal Maze. I always wondered how big the set was though, I mean it must have been HUGE! Just watched the penultimate episode of Charmed and can't wait for finale. I DON'T want spoiled though, so if you know what happens, keep it to yourself
  25. Perhaps it's the one disadvantage of the world being round! Anyway, there's always BTTB BB 2 coming up.
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