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Everything posted by JamieLee

  1. Yesterday I met Bec Hewitt at Wimbledon, despite being in a rush to get back to her husband's match she happily signed an old Home and Away fancard, and also posed for a photo with me and was an absolute joy to meet - it was also one of the few times I've been genuinely starstruck! Here's a scan of the autograph that I got if anybody's interested (just click to enlarge)
  2. Thank you guys Here's the scans, as promised (just click to enlarge)...
  3. I've just now received a reply from Kate Ritchie, I must've sent it four years ago now when she first started her radio show on Nova 96.9. She signed my fancard, photograph and poster that I'd sent and also sent a signed card with a nice little message on it and a flyer promoting her old radio show, which has just made my day as I'd given up on hearing back a very long time ago I'll be uploading scans later on in case anybody's interested
  4. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Lynne McGranger outside of the 'This Morning' studios earlier this afternoon, and needless to say she was an absolute delight to meet! She was in a bit of a rush but still took the time to sign autographs for everybody waiting and posed for (several) photos with me too. She signed the inside of my 'Secrets and the City' DVD Sleeve and Fancard that I had, I also got a new UK/Channel 5 Fancard signed that a publicist had given me. The scans are below, just click to enlarge
  5. Can I ask which address you sent it to?I've met Nic twice and I love him.He's awesome. Congrats on your replies guys.x You've met him... twice?! You have absolutely no idea how jealous I am of you right now! I wrote to him via the Body of Proof set in Los Angeles, I can give you the address if you like but they've just this week finished filming the second season so it wouldn't be a valid address until/if the show's picked up for a third season later this year.
  6. This morning I received a reply from Nicholas Bishop (ex Peter Baker) who signed my Home and Away photo for me, as well as my two photos from him in Body of Proof. He also sent me an unsigned cast photo from Body of Proof and a script cover hand signed by the entire main cast of the show! I'm absolutely blown away by his fantastic response as I'm such a huge fan of the show, and of course, of his Below's the scan of the Home and Away photograph that he signed for me (click to enlarge).
  7. Alf - 4 Angelo - 15 Charlie - 59 Irene - 7 Marilyn - 7 Miles - 20 Nicole – 4 Romeo - 5 Sid - 3
  8. Wow, this thread's sure been booming since the last time I checked Think I read a couple of pages back asking if Mark Furze replies? I'm not 100% sure if he does nowadays (as I've not seen any from him in yonks) but I did get a reply from him way back when he first started in Home and Away - He sent me a signed fancard (undedicated) which I later traded with someone for a signed Natalie Blair Neighbours fancard. I wrote back to him afterwards to try and replace the one I'd traded but never received a reply (d'oh!). I did, however, receive an amazing reply from Laurie Foell this morning, which of course I was ecstatic about, with Laurie having been my favourite actor on the show. She signed the back of the fancard and photographs that I sent and also sent me a beautiful handwritten card telling me about her new baby and house renovations, answering my questions and even added her e-mail address - what a class act I also received a reply from Lucy Wigmore today, who took over Laurie's role in Shortland Street - I just found it a bit spooky getting a reply from both Dr. Justine Jones' on the same day
  9. Lovely autographs from Ella. Loved her on all saints and have been trying to get her autograph. Could you possibly PM me the address you used, as I'd love to try it. Thanks! It's no problem at all, I've just PM'd you now
  10. Below are scans from my recent reply from Ella Scott Lynch, just click to enlarge
  11. I've just received a reply from Ella Scott Lynch (Hayley Lawson no. 2). She signed the three photographs that I sent her and also sent two signed 'All Saints' fancards too (and wrote a lovely message on one) which I'm chuffed to bits with as I love that show too I'll be posting scans soon for anybody that might be interested
  12. Here's the scans of my recent replies from Isabel Lucas and Lyn Collingwood, just click to enlarge. Congratulations, can't wait to see the photos
  13. Just received a reply from Lyn Collingwood (Collen Smart), I sent her one of her old fancards but instead received her latest fancard signed with a nice little message on the front - I'm still ecstatically happy as I love her character, Colleen . Took around two months in total Will post a scan (along with the scans of the response I received from Isabel Lucas at the weekend) in a few hours. Cheers Ed!
  14. This morning I received a reply from Isabel Lucas (Ex-Tasha Andrews), she signed my three photographs and sent one of her own as well (which is pre-printed but she hand-wrote the dedication on it) and also sent me a typed letter. It took exactly four months - very pleased Scans will be up later for anybody who might be interested Out of interest where have you seen replies from these actors? I can only see the replies posted above! Fanmail.biz (http://fanmail.biz/mboard/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=181576, http://fanmail.biz/mboard/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=181577)
  15. Awesome reply from Luke, Courtney! Looks like a lot of the cast are catching up on their fanmail now - I've seen replies from Sonia Todd, David Jones-Roberts and now Luke Mitchell in the span of two days. Fingers crossed I get replies from them, seeing as I wrote to them all back in November
  16. Here's the scan of the signed fancard from Holly Brisley (just click to enlarge).
  17. This morning I received a reply from Holly Brisley (Amanda Vale), which I really wasn't expecting to hear back from. She signed my Home and Away fancard and wrotte a little nice message on the front, it took a little over eight months in total. So thrilled as Amanda's always been one of my favourite characters on the show Will post a scan later
  18. I think I saw some yonks ago when he first joined the cast but I've not seen any since, but saying that I've never written to him myself Thanks for the heads up. I think it would be nice to have Jon's as it would go nicely with Amy's, plus they're one of my favourite couples and I've really been enjoying Tony's arguments with John Palmer! I've just written my letter to him and one to Jay too, so I'll send them off in the post tomorrow. I'll upload some scans of my Rebecca/Amy & the Charlie Brooks one in the next few weeks when I get access to a scanner Who else are you waiting for then, Jamie? I'm waiting for David, Tessa, Bernard, Sonia, Lynne, Ada, Emily and Luke Jacobz so waiting for quite a few, although I don't expect to get replies from the male cast! I'm also not particularly optimistic about Emily, as I expect she'd have loads of fan mail. Time will tell I guess...has anyone else written to her? Awesome, can't wait to see your scans! I'm waiting on a few: Lyn Collingwood, Amy Mathews, Bernard Curry, David Jones-Roberts, Sonia Todd, Jodi Gordon , Cornelia Frances, Esther Anderson, Luke Mitchell and Todd Lasance (don't think i'll be getting a reply now he's already left) through the studios as well as Ella Scott Lynch, Clarissa House, Paula Forrest, Laurie Foell, Isabel Lucas, Tim Campbell and Holly Brisley via their managements. I can imagine just how much fanmail Emily's got, but she was good at replying when she was back in Emmerdale from what I could tell so fingers crossed... I'm planning on writing to Jay, Tessa and Emily within the next week too
  19. You're welcome I think I saw some yonks ago when he first joined the cast but I've not seen any since, but saying that I've never written to him myself
  20. Congratulations everybody on all of your recent replies - it's nice to see Amy replying again
  21. It's the exact same address as with the actors, just address it to 'Home and Away' and it'll get to the right people
  22. What a beautiful letter and amazing response, Megan. You must be absolutely chuffed Cheers Don't get me wrong, Angie was brilliant as well and is right up there but Josie was just that little bit more sane
  23. *bump* I just received my Laurie Foell fancard that I won from eBay (not from that seller ), which I will be sending off to Laurie in the next couple of days time to try and get signed. Chuffed that I finally managed to get a hold of her fancard as Josie was my favourite character on the show
  24. YOU WHAT?! I can't believe that you could even think such a thing! I thought you was cool, Ed - but you've just hurt me! You know what, I honestly cannot remember what I wrote it was back in November - I guess he really likes his music being complimented Can't wait to see all your scans!
  25. Fingers crossed that you get a reply soon, Ed! Finally managed to get my scanning working again, so as promised here's the scan of the fancard that Axle sent me
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