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Everything posted by JamieLee

  1. Congrats Ed! Axle's great - so great with his responces, and his music's great too
  2. This isn't really a autograph 'success', but ya'll should know by now how I like to share these sorts of things This morning I received Bec Cartwright's second fancard in the post, which I recently won on eBay for only £2.80 - which now brings me up to having four of Bec's fancards (three with the pre-printed signature and one hand signed)
  3. Mmhmm, and it's not the first time it's been listed either...
  4. You'd only get an RTS if the address you write to is invalid for that actor, there's just that chance that they just won't reply which means they won't be seen for dust. I personally would greedily write to the helpdesk for them again and send one to try and get signed and keep another
  5. Thanks Aww, that's not true! You'll get reply's soon enough, I dread to think how much fanmail they have to respond to, and there's people like me who have written more recently who get placed on the top of the pile ;) I'd certainly give it a try, . How awesome, congratulations Zoe! So nice of Luke to send you a H2o card as well
  6. This morning I received a response from Axle Whitehead! He sent me a fancard with a lovely message on the back that reads "Dear Jamie Thankyou very much for your beautiful letter. It meant alot. I hope you've head some luck on the job front. I've got a new record in the pipeline! <3 Axle xx." My scanner's playing up this morning, but hopefully I'll be able to scan it at some point today for anybody who is interested Weirdly this was postmarked and had a return address in Singapore, like Edward. Sure am getting a lot of weird return addresses
  7. they dont look to badly bent but thats what i hate about the postman they dont care i hope if i get them back they doont get bend or ripped The poster isn't too bad, thank goodness but the fancard is awful. I had to put a book on it to keep it flat when scanning it My postman is exactly the same, it's like if it's got "please do not bend" he goes out of his way to bend it, even if it can fit through the letterbox anyway! I suppose, as Dan was saying, that it would be cheaper for them to send a massive parcel of post to a sorting centre here in England and then post them from here at local post costs rather than excessive international ones. It just seems a bit strange seeing as there was no postage on it at all, just a sticker return address for: AU 000349277, Greenford, UB1B 7AU. I guess the AU 00...etc is Seven's reference for the mail centre - sure makes a lot more sense now Dan's explained it, sure did confuse the hell out of me when it came It was so long ago, I honestly can't remember - but it was something around £5/each, and the postage was more than the total value of the two fancards put together as well. That seller's still on eBay though, with a different username - they're selling a fancard of Laurie Foell (Josie Russell) right now - exactly the same layout in the auction... Yeah i bought cards of the same seller, and i got a few that were really bad, they told me that they got them from channel 7!! i am currently bidding on the laurie foell, do you think it will be bad aswell? I really wouldn't know, but I'd guess not. Having both of us receiving really bad ones from them in the past, but your hand signed ones were okay so I really wouldn't know - I personally wont be wasting my money one them again though.
  8. House on Haunted Hill (the remake) - my favourite movie ever
  9. I imagine its an address on an industrial estate just north of Heathrow is it not? That's normal - not sure of the whole logistics behind it but it's an international distribution centre which sorts mail for major contract customers. I imagine its easier (and cheaper) for company mail to be shipped over to the depot in the UK for them to sort out postage costs. That does make a lot more sense. The address is just a jumble of letters and numbers and the only thing that came up with that postcode was a textiles company, but it's surrounded by industrial estates. Thanks for clearing that up for me, Dan I know, it's a scary image right? I'm sure you'll get a reply within the next couple of days, it seems as though she'd replied a batch of mail - still hoping that Luke Mitchell and Axle Whitehead come soon too, as a couple of people in Australia got replies last week
  10. Well you know me, I could charm the angels from the sky... I sent my letter to her right at the end of November, so not much of a wait Here's the scans, just click to enlarge.
  11. I just got a reply from Rebecca Breeds. She kindly signed my poster and sent me a signed fancard as well Unfortunately the fancard has been bent beyond belief (bloody postman!) but I'm still chuffed Will post some scans later on for anybody who's interested... Update: Just noticed the return address on the envelope and google mapped it - it's a textiles company in Middlesex, England - and there was no postage paid from Seven - weird
  12. Looking at their feedback people seem to be happy enough with what they're receiving, maybe I'm just too picky wanting (and expecting) originals, I dunno. Yeah I contacted eBay but that was a waste of time, I can't remember the ins and outs of it but I paid by sending them AUD Cash through the mail (as I didn't have any debit cards for paypal/online payments) and there was some sort of technicality. Not long after that though they appeared as 'no longer a registered user' and came up with a new username, so I don't know if I personally had any doing with that? I've just had a look through their feedback and listings just now and they're even re-listing identical 'hand signed' fancards as well as unsigned ones as well...
  13. It was so long ago, I honestly can't remember - but it was something around £5/each, and the postage was more than the total value of the two fancards put together as well. That seller's still on eBay though, with a different username - they're selling a fancard of Laurie Foell (Josie Russell) right now - exactly the same layout in the auction...
  14. *sticks hand up* I have, a couple of years ago I bought fancards of Bec Cartwright and Tammin Sursok thinking that they were originals (maybe it was the fact that it stated "authentic fancard" in the listing that led me to believe that they were real) only to receive very over-priced copies in the post, and really crap copies at that - they were streaky, the colour was messed up and there were specks of dust that were on them from when they were scanned. I just ended up throwing them in the bin.
  15. That is so fantastic, congratulations you! Hopefully that means I'll be getting replies from Rebecca, Axle and Luke some time next week...
  16. Charlie-33 Geoff-59 Nicole-17
  17. Oh no, I wouldn't even dream of buying a personalised one, unless it was made out to Jamie, but what's the likelihood of that happening? but I wouldn't buy any autographs at all, espeically not from eBay, they're so easily forged and it'd just play on my mind constantly that there's the possibility that it's not the real deal...
  18. I've never bought any hand-signed ones, but I've bought standard pre-printed ones of Bec Cartwright and Tammin Sursok as I never used to collect fancards back when they were in the show and I love them both!
  19. Here's the scan of the fancard I received from Lynne this morning (just click to enlarge) Your fancards always look so lovely the way that you frame them, Ed. Do you frame them yourself or get them done professionally? That's lucky that you got a reply from the helpdesk, Jamie! I get them framed professionally. It cost me £25 to get that lone fan card done, it's quite expensive! Thing is I don't want them to ever come out of the frame so it's more so that I can keep them all in good condition. I want to get my Ray one framed with the message but I'm getting a bit carried away now! £25?! Yeouch! Still, it's worth it if they look that damn good! Just make sure they're not hung in direct sunlight or they'll bleach over the years... Your Neighbours one are just argh, I just want to sneak in and take them off of your walls!
  20. This morning I received another reply from Lynne McGranger (Irene Roberts), after I'd posted my first letter to her I finally got a reply from H&A's helpdesk who sent me a couple of fancards, which included Lynne's latest one - so after I received my first reply from Lynne I then wrote to her again explaining that I'd gotten the fancard after I'd already written to her the first time. Anyway she kindly signed it for me in silver marker. She's so great! I'll be posting a scan later if anybody's interested Your fancards always look so lovely the way that you frame them, Ed. Do you frame them yourself or get them done professionally?
  21. okay, so I couldn't help uploading the scans before I went - here they are (just click to enlarge)
  22. Fingers crossed for you that they get here in time! I got a reply from Lynne this morning, she kindly signed both of my fancards and the photograph I sent and she also sent a signed panto flyer as well in the shiny gold pen is it so wrong for me to love a pen so much? Will post scans this evening, as I've got some last minute Christmas shopping to do!
  23. That's so cool that they both wrote you notes as well, lord knows where Lynne got "Keith" from though - still i'm more mesmerized by her pen - oh how I do love shiny things, lol. And glad to hear that the show's going to be a little less 'surreal' (well that's how I'd put it anywhere with the ott storyline's we've been having ). I hope that Lynne replies to me soon as well
  24. Yeah, sure thing - here it is for you... Just click to enlarge it oh wow! I'm more envious than you'll ever know! Well done you Would love to see the photo/fancard as well
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