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Everything posted by JamieLee

  1. I sent their old fancards along with some photos so hopefully if they reply they'll return them all signed
  2. I'm waiting on a few (Holly Brisley, Tim Campbell, Kate Ritchie, Bernard Curry, David Jones-Roberts, Sonia Todd, Axle Whitehead, Jodi Gordon, Rebecca Breeds, Cornelia Frances, Esther Anderson, Luke Mitchell, and Todd Lasance) but only sent them a few weeks ago so I'm not expecting replies any time soon... Stefan's not very good at personally replying these days so I shouldn't hold my breath for a response, but saying that I did write to him via Panto last week - at least this way I know it'll go directly to him. I've personally never re-written to anybody, but I'd say leave it at least six months before re-sending just in case your letter's at the bottom of an ever-growing pile. Completely disagree with you about Axle but each to their own
  3. You're welcome Be sure to let us know if you get a reply Nice cards, Ed - I love Jodi's new one! I got four from the helpdesk a couple of days ago as well but they were of Lynne McGranger (Irene), Todd Lasance (Aden), Tessa James (Nicole) and Amy Matthews (Rachel).
  4. ? It would be great if you let me know Linc's management is Williams Talent, you could always try and write to him through them using their address?: Lincoln Lewis c/o Williams Talent P.O. Box 2366 Burleigh BC QLD 4220 Australia
  5. Thanks You've probably seen it through FanMail.biz...
  6. Wow, congratulations! I'd love to see it if possible I hope he replies to me soon as well! Yeah, they're all in England so just add that at the end of the addresses Barbara was talking about my autograph collection website which is http://jamieleeautographs.fotopic.net
  7. Here are all of the addresses for Ray, Lynne and Amy's pantomimes here in the UK. The addresses for Ray and Lynne are both valid until 3 January 2010; the Sittingbourne address for Amy is valid until 27 December 2009 and the Dorking address is valid from 28 December 2009 - 3 January 2010. Ray Meagher 'Peter Pan' c/o Assembly Hall Theatre Crescent Road Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 2LU Lynne McGranger 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' c/o Grand Opera House York Cumberland Street York YO1 9SW Amy Mizzi 'Cinderella' c/o Swallows Leisure Centre Central Avenue Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4NT Amy Mizzi 'Cinderella' c/o Dorking Halls Reigate Road Dorking Surrey RH4 1SG
  8. Yeah, exactly. If you write to him directly through the venue of the panto he will most likely reply - He's replied to me a couple of times through different pantos over the past few years; don't quite understand why he doesn't reply through the seven network studios but does whilst in pantos but I'm not complaining! From experience it seems that they do bring over a bunch of fancards so you're pretty much guaranteed one if they replies. Lynne McGranger (Irene) and Amy Mizzi (Kit) are also do panto, for anybody that might be interested (I've written to both as well as Ray).
  9. Thanks I've been collecting them on and off for the past four years or so...
  10. Here are the scans of the autographs I received this morning from Ray (click to enlarge)
  11. No, he's doing a pantomime here in the UK (details can be found here) - and he's actually a very good replier via-venue (at pantomimes etc.) this is the second time i've got a reply from him through a pantomime (the first being a few years ago).
  12. I received a reply from Ray Meagher today. He signed my old H&A Fancard and photo and sent a signed new fancard as well Only took four days via panto here in the UK (talk about fast!) Scans to follow later today...
  13. Some fantastic replies there guys - well done! I love Sonia's fancard! I haven't had a H&A Fancard in so long - I have to start writing to the cast! Just out of curiosity to those who got Isabel today, did you write to her via The Schiff Company in the US?
  14. Aden 8 Alf 7 Annie 7 Belle 5 Bartlet 6 Brendan 7 Charlie 8 Colleen 7 Geoff 11 Hugo 7 Irene 8 Kirsty 7 Jai 7 Joey 7 Leah 9 Martha 7 Nicole 14 Ollie 6 Rachel 7 Roman 7 Ruby 7 Tony 8 Trey 7 VJ 7 Xavier 8
  15. So far I've got Chris Hemsworth (Fancard) Clarissa House (Fancard) Lyn Collingwood (Fancard) Paul O'Brien (x2) (Fancards) Lynne McGranger (x2) (Fancard and Index Card) Michael Beckley (x2) (Met in-person, signed 'Secrets and the City' DVD Sleeve & Index Card) Bec Cartwright (Fancard) Cornelia Frances (x2) (Photographs) Brett Hicks-Maitland (Photograph) Daniel Collopy (Photograph) Mark Furze (Fancard) Ray Meagher (x6) (Fancards and Index Card) Jason Smith & Chris Hemsworth ('Five' Flipflops - won on Five's online competition)
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