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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and away of course, Prison Break, Lost, Greys anatomy, BLood Ties, Heroes, Eastenders, Waterloo road, GOssip Girls, One tree Hill and many more.

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    UK - Birmingham
  • Interests
    I love going shopping with my mates and hanging around with friends and chilling.<br />I like going cinema and spending time with friends and family.<br />I love watching Football - Man U Fan.

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  1. Oh and I was just reading the character descriptions on the H&A website and it says about Brax and some I'm trying to catch up on a few episodes so I haven't seen all their episodes yet. Seems a bit random to throw that into the description and then not do anything with it. . I didn't really like Angelo and Charlie. But... I am liking Charlie and Brax. It is going to be interesting to see their relationship develop. A cop and a River boy who people think is a bad boy getting together. The reaction from the bay, Rubys reaction, Angelos etc. It is going to be interesting to see how the River Boy Gang react to Charlie and Brax getting together?
  2. I have a interview with Steve Peacocke who plays Brax. I was wondering... where do I post it? Do I post it in the News/ Articles?? Edited to add: Its all right. I posted it in the news/articles section. Its all sorted.
  3. Awww. Brilliant work Jen. It has brought back so much memories of Adelle. Awww.
  4. I like Charlie and Brax together. I really hope they get together. They are my new favourite Home and away couple. I haven't really watched Home and away after... Adelle... but now I have started to watch it again because of Brax and Charlie.
  5. Hii!!! Just catched up. AWwww. Glad Belles ok. And Awww, Aden put Money in Belles account. Wonder how Aden got the money?? Cant wait for moreee. Loveeeeee JEss xoxo
  6. Awesome update. Wonder what is Adens secret? Cant wait for moree. Love jess xoxo
  7. AWwwwwww. Adens came to see Belle. AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Awesome update. Cant wait for moreee. Who was aden with? Keep up the great work. Love Jess xoxox Loved the update sooo much. AWwwwwwwwwww. ADENS IN THE CITY. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. ADELLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
  8. Fantastic update. No Adelle. But loved the Drew/Amanda/Belle/Ryan. It was great. What a great family. Cant wait for moreeee. Keep up the great work. Love Jess xoxo
  9. Awwwww. Fantastic update. Loved it. Cant wait for moreeeeeeeeee. Love this fic. Love jess xoxo
  10. Awwwwww. AWesome update. Loved it. AWwwwwww. Aden painting Belles nails. AWww. Cant wait for moree. Love Jess xoxo
  11. Awesomeeeee update. Loved it how Aden helped Annie and then Belle was giving Advice and helping Annie. And lol. Belle was shocked and happy inside that Aden was helping Annie. LOL. Cant wait for moreeee. Adelleeeeeeeeeee. Update asap/ Love Jess xoxox
  12. Im thinking its Larry too. Awww. Excellent chapter. Awww. Adelle are great. Happyyyyyyy together. Cant wait for moree. Keep up the great work. Love Jess xoxo
  13. Is Aden trying to tell Belle that He loves her? LOL. Thats what i was thinking because of the 3 little words. But awesome update. Excellent. Loved it. Awww. Adelleeeeee. Sooo cute together. And wonder whos sending Belle flowers. Drew maybe Amandaaaaaa. And no Aden shouldn't be jealous. Cant wait for moree. Keep up the great work. Love Jess xoxo
  14. Wowwwwwwwwwwww. Fantastic start. Excellenttttt. Cant wait to read moreeee. Loving the idea. Awww Poor Aden. And Belles leaving. Awww. Feel sorry for Aden. Keep up the great work. Love Jess xoxo
  15. Hiii!! Just read the last 2 chapters. And awww. Excellent ending. Glad adelle were together at the end. And loved it how you did it in to the future and Aden was with Sarah. It was fantastic and excellent ending. Love Jess xoxo
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