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Everything posted by Whitney

  1. It is so nice that she is not forgotten... their love will never be!
  2. Well said. He is going through a hard time and needs to grieve the loss of the one person he has ever loved and get past his role in her death in his own way and time. Hopefully when that happens, Ruby will be able to be there with him as they remember the love they share for Charlie.
  3. Charlie and Rubys relationship will be missed. They have not known about their mother daughter relationship for that long and there was still so much to tell.
  4. He should have been there. I love that he told them about their first date. I wish he didnt say anything about charlies death though.
  5. You will be missed Charlie Buckton.
  6. WOW... that was amazing. RIP Charlie. I will always hold hope you could return, but I know that it is not likely. You made me keep watching over the past couple years. you will be missed
  7. wow... it was incredible today. Brax scenes were great. I hope to his struggle continues to be great scenes.
  8. Cried the whole episode and intrigued by whats to come tomorrow
  9. Brax is one of the big reasons that H&A is succeeding. LOL. They made all the storylines juicy and exciting last year. I hope there is more Chax to come, but if not, Brax will make some great scenes I am sure.
  10. Finale was awesome!!! Hoping the promo for next year is not what it seems
  11. Loved today with Heath...LOL great commentary DocZed
  12. They are so great together.
  13. love the interview... thanks
  14. Love your commentary... completely agree.
  15. I agree... love seeing her now a days!!
  16. Been watching since she arrived
  17. Sorry you feel that way... i dont. i like her complexity.
  18. I love where Charlie is right now... she has had some internal delimmas going on and now Bianca is right in the middle of it. Because of what her decisions have done to her morals and relationships, she has decided to quit her job. Also, Bianca was in the middle of it by deciding to start something with Heath and the fall out was her being involved in all the drama surronding the car crash. Hopefully it shows her what a risky decision that was. I liked their scenes together, Heath needs someone like her, but I have always liked her with Liam.
  19. Steve has made the show truly awesome. I hope he and Esther stay on the show together for a long time. They make it watchable!
  20. I dont see as much reckless... he is setting everything aside and trying ot be legit. Even though things have settled down, he just wants to run the restaurant and not do the illegal side stuff anymore.
  21. I am loving it right now...
  22. I am loving where chax are right now!!! hope they stay together and start to face things together
  23. LOVE IT.... you have such great commentary. I loved the last to episodes... thinking tomorrow will be GREAT!!
  24. promo looks awesome!! Cant believe thats it for chax. wonder whats on friday?? the arrest maybe??
  25. DocZed... you are awesome. Love your analysis!! I think her impromptu showing up at his place was the indicator... adn I think Brax realized something was up when she left so suddenly.
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