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Everything posted by girlsrulz44

  1. me and mrs jones
  2. really i think it is great
  3. bad it has not stopped rain
  4. glas you all liked it
  5. lol glad you liked it
  6. yes that was the end anf as for the other woman being the cop blame HayleyCA (i think it was her anyway) she said that she though the cop was in love with peter Pete&ClairefanNZ the motive was that she was in love with peter and hated the fact that pete chose clare over her
  7. sorry lana is ment to be lara
  8. leah is still in hospital in a coma
  9. lol i now i have not told you i had the whole thing written before i released that i had forgot to tell you who she was so i had to add another part in oh and in case you are wondering lana is the cop with the black hair (the one that peter talked to at the station after he take clare to hospital after they crashed and also was one that arrested jesse after he wrecked bret's office)
  10. the finial part will be up tomorrow
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