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Everything posted by Chickiboomxx

  1. Really enjoying this fan fic! You make Dex sound so...Dex ahaha Poor Dallas if she can't cope with those two I can't imagine how she'll cope when the new baby's born!! Looking forward to more! Please update soon
  2. I'm loving this fan fic so far!! You write it so well! Loving the couple interactions, all the baby scenes and how you have a mix of some of the older and current characters. Very intrigued to find out what happens with Ruby and Grant's son! Oh no, Mink is back For a better cause this time though. I hope Romeo is a match and Brixx will be okay. (Very impressed with the name ) Really looking forward to more!! Please update soon
  3. Fantastic two chapters!!!!!!! I don't know whose side i'm on with the whole funeral thing. Brax is being a bit of a jerk to Charlie at the moment though. Getting drunk will not solve any problems, it will just make things worse! I wonder if anything happened with Brax and Bianca. I don't see how Charlie will ever forgive him then. I'm really looking forward to more. Please update soon! Xx
  4. Amazing chapter!! Oh no, Brax has gone back to drinking. Not a good idea when he has a toddler and two twins at home! I didn't think anything would happen between Brax and Bianca but I'm starting to change my mind ... Getting drunk probably didn't help. I have a theory that they're probably going to not know what they're doing and sleep together. And then try and keep it from Charlie! Really looking forward to more!!! Please update soon x
  5. Another fantastic chapter!! I didn't expect Casey to die! It was bad, what he did to Ruby but he didn't deserve to die I'm hoping that Ruby will get back with Xavier after her talk! Cheryl really is nasty to Brax. I wonder what her reaction will be when she realises that Brax is telling the truth! I'm really looking forward to more! Please update soon! xx
  6. Don't say that, they're great!
  7. I'm REALLY sorry for not commenting in aaagges! Haven't been on the site in a while. It was fab catching up though! Chapter 26- Cute scene with Charlie and Bianca! Aww I feel sorry for Xavier. It must be hard to not have any alone time with Ruby any more because of her job. It's normal for Ruby to like all the attention but I can see why it's getting on Xavier's nerves. I have a feeling she's going to have to choose between Xavier and her career... Chapter 27- I hope there's nothing wrong with Paige! Aww Poor Jacob. He must be feeling very jealous of the babies getting all the attention. Hopefully Charlie will still find time for him. Chapter 28- Brax being as always! I'm glad he finally persuaded Charlie to go out to dinner. Not looking so good for Ruby and Xavier... I understand where they're both coming from. Ruby's tour is important and they can change the date of the wedding but at the end of the day a wedding is a wedding and it would be a shame to postpone. I'm sure Ruby will be on plenty more tours. Chapter 29- Charlie did well at dinner! I thought she would spoil it by constantly worrying about Paige and Riley but she managed to cope. Poor Ruby! I haven't quite figured out if she meant her relationship with Xavier was over or her career but both would be sad. I'm sort of hoping it's her career because it seems to be causing a lot of problems. Chapter 30- NOOO! Ruby and Xavier broke up! Nice Chax conversations! It's nice that Ruby got to spend some quality time with the babies before she had to leave again. Chapter 31- Cute scene with Ruby and Jacob! I'm glad that the babies are nice and healthy still. I was starting to think there would be a problem. Oh no! I wonder what's in the article! I'm guessing it's either about Ruby and Xave's break-up or her rape. The most likely suspects are Colleen or Xavier... Chapter 32- Grr it was Colleen!!! Of course! She didn't even have a good excuse! She said she didn't know it was a journo that she told but she shouldn't have gossiped in the first place!! I have a feeling Ruby's reputation could be affected because of the article and I don't think Matt and her other co-workers are going to be too happy. Jacob still extremely cute! Chapter 33- Aww at Jacob saying he likes Paige better! I'm sure he'll like Riley just as much when she gets older and stops all the crying. I had to laugh at Charlie not trusting Brax to be alone with the babies! Good on him, standing up to that nasty reporter guy! I have a feeling the questions won't stop there though ... Ahaha even the waitress was a fan of Ruby's! She must have been pretty embarrassed about spilling water all over them! At least Ruby was nice about it. Chapter 34- Naww, Jacob being very helpful with the babies! What would Brax do without him? Sweet of Brax burying 'Treasure' for Jacob! A really nice conversation between Brax and Bianca on the beach. Ooooh! I wonder what the officers have to say!!!! I have a feeling it's not good news though ... Amaazing updates Danni! I'm really looking forward to more! And I promise I'll try my best to keep up to date this time More soon please xx
  8. Amazing last two chapters! Loved the whole promise ring thing Really looking forward to more! Please update soon xx
  9. Sorry, I forgot how to get on here Thanks so much, I love them!!! It's going to be really hard to choose!
  10. The last few chapters were amazing as always! The twins are so cute! I can't believe Brax hurt Charlie but at least he's apologized and got his act together now. I really hope he bought an engagement ring!! Aww, he must have been really happy when he managed to stop Riley crying. It shows that he can be a great father to them. I really enjoyed reading these chapters and I'm looking forward to the next one! Please update soon xx
  11. Heyy could anyone make me a Charlie/Brax avatar, please? xx
  12. Fantastic chapter! I'm so glad Charlie's okay! I was getting very worried. Paige and Riley so cute! It was annoying when the doctor said Brax couldn't make the decision! Charlie had the risk of dying and the doctor just kept on insisting it had to be Ruby! Anyways, fab update! Looking forward to the next one! xx
  13. Another great chapter!! Hopefully things will get better! Looking forward to more! Please update soon! xx
  14. I'm sorry for not having commented for a while. I've been really busy with dance exams. I'm REALLY sorry to hear about your Papa. I hope you and your family are okay The chapters that I missed were all amazing!!! I was annoyed when it turned out Brax didn't even WANT to get married!! I hope they work things out in the end. It sounds like Ruby's career is already getting pretty serious. I have a feeling some things are going to start going downhill with it soon though Charlie's in labour!!!!! Things were getting quite tense then, when Brax wasn't there and Jacob needed picking up but it all got sorted in the end. I had to laugh when Charlie slapped Brax. But then it turned out that something else was wrong!!!! And now I'm all worried again!!! I really hope Charlie's okay!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really looking forward to more! Please update soon! xx
  15. Great chapter! I liked the way you described the counseling sessions. I'm glad Nicole broke up with Theo even though it was hard. Now she can get with Angelo! I'm really looking forward to more! Please update soon xx
  16. Great update! Major awkwardness between April and Xave I hope you had a nice christmas! Please update soon xx
  17. I'm soooo sorry, I had no idea I'd missed so many I enjoyed catching up though They were all amazing updates as usual!! GRRRRR BRAX JUST PROPOSE TO CHARLIE FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!!!!! He's being so annoying! Charlie's been hinting at it for ages and he's just too thick to understand!! I felt sorry for Charlie when she opened her present from Brax! Even I got excited because I thought it was a ring!! Jacob is still really cute though I'm reaaally looking forward to more!!! Please update soon! xx
  18. thanks! And I'm sorry Danni02! That's such a coincidence that you were going to have the same name! Thanks again everyone for always reading! xx
  19. Sorry, I don't know how I missed your last update They were both great though I hope the babies are okay!!! Aww it was cute what Ruby and Xavier did for Jakob I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! Please update soon xx
  20. I've only just started reading this but it's really good! I really don't like Theo for some reason and I hope Nicole breaks up with him soon so she can get with Angelo! It must be horrible for Nicole, having been raped in the past. Obviously it's still haunting her. Hopefully, when she's with Angelo, it might help her get over it. I'm really enjoying reading it and I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! More soon please xx
  21. Another fantastic update! Aww poor Ruby! I know Brax probably just got carried away but it must have really upset her when he didn't mention her as part of the family. I hope he gets his act together and proposes to Charlie soon!!!! Looking forward to more, please update soon! xx
  22. You've made a great start to this fan fiction! I can't wait for more! Please update soon xx
  23. I've only just started reading this fan fiction but I think it's amazing I love the way you write about the characters. Jacob is sooo cute!!! I can't believe Charlie is having twins! I have a feeling something's going to go wrong though... And Ruby getting a recording contract was really good I hope Brax proposes to Charlie soon! She obviously wants him to! It's sweet that he cares about the babies so much. I loved- I can't wait for the next chapter! Please update soon xx
  24. I'm so sorry for not posting in weeks! I've been really sick I promise, there will be a post up before next week xx and sorry if you thought this was a chapter
  25. Great end to a great fan fic! I'm looking forward to reading more of your fan fictions xx
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