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Everything posted by Samantha1

  1. Oh dear, Brax is behaving awfully! Really hoping he fixes up soon or he'll push Charlie too far, again, great writing, Danni!
  2. Great chapter Danni, Jacob's just too cute, I hope Brax fixes up!
  3. Just caught up on the chapters, they were awesome. I can understand Charlie's reasoning for not wanting to go, but I hope she goes, just to support Brax.
  4. Great chapter! Wonder if something happened to Heath, that's why the officers are there? Looking forward to the next update
  5. Oh Colleen, how stupid! Glad Brax stood up for Ruby and Charlie, another great chapter, Danni
  6. Aww that was such a sweet chapter and really well written, Ross is so lovely in this!
  7. Colleen! Wonder what the magazine says, hope it's nothing too private, great update again!
  8. Great chapter, hope Brax lets Charlie explain! (:
  9. Great chapter Danni, Brax was cute at the end suggesting he take time off work so Ruby and Charlie could spend time together
  10. Great chapter, loved all of it, especially Chax! Uh-oh, doesn't sound too good for Ruby, looking forward to the next update
  11. Great chapter, doesn't sound good for Ruby and Xavier! Glad Charlie agreed to go with Brax eventually
  12. That was such a lovely chapter, Danni! Poor Jacob feeling left out though!
  13. Great update again!
  14. Great chapter Danni, loved Bianca bringin Jacob a card and present so he wouldn't feel left out
  15. Another great chapter, glad Brax was apologetic and Charlie wasn't too forgiving, Jacob telling Riley to be quiet was just too cute! Loved it!
  16. Another great chapter Danni! Poor Charlie being home alone for that long trying to look after a toddler and two new-born twins! Brax needs to shape-up!
  17. Aww poor Brax, and poor Jacob, not being used to not being the center of attention, great chapter Danni
  18. Charlie slapping Brax was funny. Dramatic ending! Hope Charlie's okay, looking forward to the next update!
  19. So sorry for your loss Danni! Great chapter, hope Brax makes it in time to be with Charlie, and poor Jacob thinking he was being left there forever, looking forward to the next update
  20. This chapter was great, loved all of it!
  21. Great couple of chapters! Oooh, the adoption agency response, wonder what it says, looking forward to the next update!
  22. Aww, great few updates! I wonder if Brax'll get the hint and propose soon
  23. Great chapter, aww, I hope the babies are okay!
  24. This whole chapter was great! The snake-zapping bit was hilarious!
  25. Aww, felt sorry for Ruby in this but I think Brax is just so excited about the twins and adopting Jacob that he isn't thinking about much else, looking forward to the next update.
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