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Everything posted by Samantha1

  1. Aww, this chapter was cute, had to laugh at Jacob at the start, you're a great writer!
  2. Awesome chapter, the whole 'bringing home the bacon' thing was hilarious, wonder what Charlie will decide about the adoption!
  3. Aww another great chapter, looking forward to the next
  4. Enjoyed this chapter, the Colleen bit makes me laugh, wonder if Brax will end up proposing. Great chapter again+look forward to the next
  5. Awwww Jacob, loved the whole 'You's in twouble' bit ahhaa, Brax is so cute too, looking forward to the next update!
  6. Aah poor Brax, you still portray Jacob so cutely! Great start to the sequel
  7. What a great last chapter! Definitely gonna be reading the sequel, well done on this one and thanks for a great story!
  8. Great chapter, the Charlie/Brax/Jacob scenes were cute!
  9. Great chapter, loved all of it! Looking forward to more!
  10. Absolutely loving this story! Jacob is sooo cute, can't wait for more!
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