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Everything posted by helen2289

  1. I have to be honest and say I only starting reading this because I was bored at work BUT I'm so glad I did. LOVE this story and your writting. I read the whole story today However some chapters need warnings because I was just about crying at my desk. Can't wait for the next update
  2. Awwwww poor Charlie! I didnt even think about that
  3. corchus totally corchus! Seriously I love this story, its nice to see Chax happy but I would like to see Heath with his son
  4. My heart dropped when I realised that she was going to Ryan not Brax. Loving the story but hanging out for more Brax
  5. Cops = Charlie! Cant wait
  6. How can you not like Jacob? He is so cute! Would love to see Brax and Jacob
  7. Dam no new chapter! Will be checking all day because I can't wait to see what happens
  8. I don't think there is anything wrong with him but it's just that he isn't right for Charlie! Can't wait for Brax to come back
  9. I don't normally comment but I always read the updates. I keep reading and hoping that Brax comes back!
  10. Dam Heath and B didn't get together (not a Liam fan!) I'm going to miss not having this to read, so I agree maybe a sequel?
  11. Hope your feeling better! However the update was worth the wait, I love this story soooooo much Hopefully you will feel up to updating soon
  12. Hi just checking if you are planning on updating anytime soon? Its still one of my favourites!
  13. I think out of all of the Chax fanfictions this is my favourite even though they arent together! Please update soon
  14. Nooooo I cant believe Im at the end! Please write some more
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