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Everything posted by InfantryAlex

  1. I still miss Sally and Flynn. ?

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  2. Merry Christmas all!

    I'm working on a few ideas for my story She has to Pull Through, but I hope I'm doing it justice. I just love Sally & Flynn so much.

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  3. Ooooh a darker side of Flynn... In a good way, protective. I like where this is going.
  4. JACK AND MARTHA! Awww I love these!
  5. I just noticed my A Target For Love is FIVE years old....

    I honestly feel like I only wrote it two years ago, not five. And it's so much better than what I've written these days. 

    But I'm back, Sally and Flynn are just ❤️

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  6. I wish I had time to update more, I have a one shot idea for Sally and Flynn, but I barely have time to add chapters to my ongoing one. 

    Maybe when I have time, I will add a synopsis here so I can remember it too - because brain will forget.

    "Sally is accused of sleeping with Diesel, Flynn knows the family, but how? And is this a ploy to get him? Sally develops anxiety because of this... what happens." 

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  7. This is perfect!!!! Thank youu
  8. Take your time I’m in no rush, I don’t mind either Sally and Flynn ones too if you can’t make Flynn ones. I love them both sooooo much. ?
  9. Do you happen to have any Sally and Flynn ones, and just Flynn ones? please and thank you!
  10. I did not like the first Flynn, I didn’t see him as perfect for Sally. Joel’s Flynn I adored and miss to this day and can’t help but wonder how things could have played out differently had they not killed him off so soon. I feel Sally and Flynn were each other’s true love, and he loved her more than anything like her for him. Flynn will always be my favourite.
  11. I need more Sally and Flynn content because they're my babies. 

    I kept it quiet, haha. Zac and Leah are epic but nothing beats a good Sally and Flynn moment.

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  12. I do not watch Home and Away anymore, but still enjoy the older classic home and away so stories, one shots are my muse. 

    Lots of Sally & Flynn stuff coming up. 

    Currently writing a one shot.

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  13. I’m so bad at this, I have some ideas. 

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  14. I've been gone. I've moved home, and stuff but I'm back with all new Zac/Leah content. I MISS THEM SO MUCH.

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  15. I'll be updating this weekend!!
  16. How do you get this out of the vault?
  17. I’m sorry I havent been able to post, I’ve been without a laptop for ages and I’m trying to get one soon. Im looking for one currently, and if I have spare cash will grab one. I’m really interested in continuing this.
  18. Sorryyyyyyy. A busy year. Getting a laptop soon. Haven’t watch H&A since my mum passed away — we watched together so it’s been hard. But yeah, I’m coming back soon. I’m working too so it’s slow return. 

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  19. I’m alive. I’m around. Hi. 

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  20. This is the father of Ziggy and Coco? He doesn't remind me of Zac. He seems like a joke, control freak who has to have everything his way and never takes responsibility and blames everyone else. I don't like him.
  21. I know they shouldn't have moved him... sometimes panic takes over and they do things they shouldn't do. Haha. It's gonna be extremely slow and short chapters which sucks it's making it look rushed.
  22. Zac and Leah will always be OTP. Even if I don't like him much right now. 

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  23. Chapter Four: No Help. We're on Our Own. Evie rushed around eagerly trying to find help, her heart thumped hard against her chest, sweat mingled on her head. She felt the world spin as she made her way back to the car, "I can't find service, we need to get out of here. But your leg... We can't move the tree out of your leg." She whimpered. "Go without me," said Zac, "Just... Just promise me something. Tell Leah, I love her so much and I always will." He said looking at Evie. A finger on his wedding ring. "Leah.." He looked down. She would have no idea that they had crashed. Evie looked as Hunter awoke and kicked the door open as they all got out, "We can't leave you behind dad!" He hissed holding his side in a lot of pain. VJ was dragged out by Matt still highly unconscious. "Break the tree splint that is in his leg!" They begged. _----- Leah was at home, with Roo and Nate. "Where is Zac?" She asked, "The kids!" She frowned. Nate looked to her, with a frown. "I'm sure they're just taking their time getting home, just relax." He spoke softly. "I can't lose any of them Nate, not my son, not my husband... I've already lost enough. I can't lose him Nate. What if something has happened?" She asked. Leah was besides herself with worry, this was a big storm and Zac said he would be home an hour and a half ago. She knew, deep within her gut something was wrong with them. But she didn't dare voice that worry, Nate was trying his hardest to reassure her. Going to the window, she put her hand over her heart as tears formed in her eyes, "Where are you?" She whispered. She couldn't lose her son, or the man she loved. --- Zac knew time was of essense, getting a pocket knife out with struggle he sawed away at the branch that was in his leg crying with pain as it broke, focing himself out of the car with Matt and Evie's help, "We can go up the road. Our house isn't far away. Is VJ awake yet?" He asked. "Yes, but he's barely conscious." Matt spoke, VJ was being held up by Hunter and himself, while Zac hopped along with Evie's help now. "How far do you think we are?" "About an hour.." Frowned Evie, "Maybe less, but the storm it's going to take us awhile!" She spoke. So rusty! I am sorry this has taken me so long to respond. Computer is broken. Thought I'd do a quick update at the library. And will do so once a week (minus next week) Short chapters as only have 30 minutes per session. It's probably going to be a crap story. But I want to complete it to maybe do a one-shot after.
  24. Oh wow. What a bumpy, bumpy ride. Fantastic, funny, quizzical and right on point with peoples reactions! Evie was a bit over dramatic for the first few chapters until Josh realized his sexuality. I really love how you captured the heartbreak to Oscar returning and losing the Evie, Josh fell in love with. I must be tired, but I thought it was Josh and Oscar's wedding until things clicked in. That's my own mistake, it's just past midnight here. And Zac's reaction to Josh, ugh. That's all I'll say. But, I did love the little moment they had in their bedroom while he dressed for the wedding. Kind of reminded my why I like them (as a couple) thank you. (We all know I don't like them atm. Spoilers reasons.) xD Really loved how you ended the story, glad it was a happy one too!
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