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Everything posted by InfantryAlex

  1. Wow! Great chapter. Poor Kyle. That broke my heart. Ah typical "I think I know best." VJ. So childish, and annoying. And totally didn't listen to a word Josh said about Kyle, and I think he still think he knows what happened. Hunter really didn't know any better either, and that shallow dig about shallow graves hurt me. I miss Denny Wonder what nosyparka Phoebe wants. Josh should really tell Heath. ZAC AND LEAH
  2. He took the I missed you L, part to far. Was waiting for your reply, now I can write the next chapter. Thank you for the support! x
  3. She just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep! I can see Nate being the whole big annoying uncle that would purposely wake her up. I thought so too! But it would cost a lot, and they'd be breaking the law I hope not Thanks for reading!
  4. I like him, I see a little bit of Brax in him, so I am not holding my breath that I will like him indefinitely.
  5. I'm pretty sure every child has asked a random, totally out there question. Trying to make her as much childlike as possible. Thank you for support!
  6. So glad Pheebs has nothing, should I really have said that? Absolutely glad that Kyle is happy to have the Summers here, maybe they could adopt him in and he could have his real family back. Oh Heath, I love how he told Pheebs off. Wonder how the conversation will go down. Great chapter, update soon! x
  7. I'm trying to integrate more storylines through the story so it's not just Zac and Leah all the time, and little dramas that intertwine the couple anyways. Thank you for reading! x
  8. Awe thank you so much! I have no idea how to write children, but I am glad I am writing her very well. I doubt kids would be upset and depressed for long so I wanted to portray her with a hyper personality that can sometimes resonate with Zac's cheeky side. Peter is creepy. I thought about him leaving the cameras out of the bedroom, but someone obsessed with the couple wants to know everything they do. It's just the start however, I have a plan. My intake on Ricky and Nate is that they really shouldn't have gotten married and they rushed into that, and I wanted to see Nate's acceptance of that. Though I know he will miss Casey, he loves that little fella. I'm glad she's gone too, though! Thank you very much for the wishes with the computer, here's hoping it stays this way! Thank you so much for your support! x
  9. Fabulous chapter! I am so glad they've been arrested. Poor Kyle though, I know those trials won't lay easy with him --- If he has to testify against them, as well, to see their faces again in the same room after all those years... I can't imagine if that's the case, how he will feel like. Glad to see he is starting to feel like he can rely on Tamara and Heath, again! I'm looking forward to more! x
  10. My cat is so unbelievably jumpy. It's beginning to worry me, like asleep next to mum and the next minute she's flying up and across the room, her face terrified.

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  11. Am so unbelievably cross. I was just about to hit post when my computer turned off, and I didn't even get a chance to save it word too. :(

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  12. I'm about to write the next chapter and post it in case my computer dies in it's apparent need to update to windows 10. I'm so terrified it's not going to make it. But then I'm hopeful it may be better, but scared.
  13. This story I am already having good vibes about it, but I already have my big shock planned that happens later on. And much later on. Possibly more chapters than A Target To Love.

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  14. It deleted a few lines along the way, had to redo them. No big worries, but it did refresh on me, and I lost half the story so it went in a different direction than planned. I hope he isn't apart of Charlie's accident, I don't even fully know yet what's wrong with her. I don't want it to be too serious either, because it's too early in the story for a major accident. I thought long and hard at what Leah would be good at, and I think if the chance was to arise in the show she'd be a good influence with young criminals. Hopefully. I wanted with the sequel for Leah, Zac and Charlie to be solid. I wanted Peter to feel like he lost. Thank you, for all the support! Chapter in a few days, or maybe tomorrow if the computer behaves!
  15. Oooh explosive chapter I love! I am glad that Kyle finally blew up at Phoebe and someone finally told her about how she treats people, to try and hide behind Ash to take the blame for something like that so she I believe could keep her friendship with Kyle was wrong. To even say "Brax isn't even your brother." Shows how cold, and self-centered she really is and somewhat I think tries to deflect to hurt others by trying to affirm in her own head her actions were right. Glad Kyle's walking away. You write Pheebs perfectly! I hope with that whole 'We may not be blood, but they're my family.' Thing that he starts to come to terms with his own identity and that he could still be a Braxton, even if not by blood! This is awesome! Ah she lost her job! Typical hit the bottle reaction! Love! Kat annoys me so! Update soooon! x
  16. Haha! I know it's irrelevant, but it made my day! x Exceeded my likes again!
  17. Peter doesn't want to waste any time, though he won't be making a move for awhile. He just wanted to gather information to see what they were doing. He's obsessed. I'm sad Charlie's growing up. I have no idea how to write for five year olds! Thank you for reading!
  18. Caught up on Thirteen, now to rest! And settled on a new avatar. Lovely kisses :wub:

    Night all!

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  19. Interesting! Absolutely love it. Can't believe Pheebs took the laptop to spite Ash and Kat, it sounded like it didn't even last as long to qualify an affair. And to blackmail him to save her own skin, typical selfish Phoebe at it again. Hope Ash doesn't cooperate. But then with the Brax thing hovering.... Hope Kyle gets some sense of knowing and finds out who he is, I do hope he gets in touch with David and Jenny, they seemed really nice loved that letter. Poor Kat, I feel sorry for her with a friend like Phoebe putting her job on the line. And yes, I noticed the Zac and Leah pregnancy I squealed in happiness! It's sad that Kyle feels he can't keep Braxton, as they all see him as a family member anyway, and it would be sad for him to just abandon that part of him even if he really isn't one. Please update soon! Sorry it took me so long to catch up!
  20. Exceeded my likes again today! Thank you! Yes, well I thought about how Xavier had a bad run with things when he came to the Bay and thought how to reform Hunter was in that direction -- and a way to stop people from being like Charlotte, and Peter. Ah! Oscar at NASA! That's the name I was looking for but I couldn't remember it! He's had five years to stir, plot and convey ways to work his plans. He isn't going to be beat this easy this time. I do have a plan, and not entirely sure it's a happy ending... Thank you for reading, and I hope so, this computer will have to do for a few months maybe until it dies! Stories will just take a little longer to update.
  21. Had been working on a story for the past week up until Wednesday, when my harddrive on my computer decided to kill itself and die. I am on an older computer that takes me awhile to type on, because it likes to delete words on me. <_< But, am promising to be writing up something soon. :)

    Today, tomorrow perhaps.

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    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. InfantryAlex


      Five years!

      Awe and thank you, for the confidence in my writing.

      I've posted it, :blush: I'm quite happy with it, could only post as much as I could before this computer ate the post. :angry:

    3. Ludub


      Oh cool! Gonna go read now! Your computer trouble does not sound fun! :(

    4. InfantryAlex


      I was hoping to find a cheap one, but for what I use it for it's best I save up for a better one. Since gaming is important. :P

      I'm finally catching up on your story now :blush:


  22. So you are only allowed to create two fanfics??? I am so confused.

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    1. InfantryAlex


      Ah! Thanks for that! 

  23. I thought really hard on that joke, I wanted it to sound Zac like and I am glad it did! Maybe I may make the sequel if Peter gets parole in "five years" for good behavior! Then Charlie would be five Oh the ideas! I will definitely write more, I have a three paragraphs written for a one-shot I was working on when I made this idea I may finish that and post it up. Thank you Ludub! You're the best xxx
  24. I am sad that it is over too! Thank you both so much for the support of the name. I always had Charlie in mind but I was torn on the gender and decided girl at last moment and it fit so well I am happy that you enjoyed the story. Thank you! I hope when I figure out some ideas I can put them down in another one. Likely will be ZacxLeah! As always. Thanks again both of you! <3
  25. I am done with A Target Of Love. Can't believe it's finished! 

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