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Everything posted by InfantryAlex

  1. Glad so glad Kyle got to tell Tamara before Ash ran his drunk mouth to the whole town or before Kat got there! Phoebe should really learn when not to open her mouth about someone's secrets! I hope Kyle stands up to them and stops them from harming other children, I get why he blocked it out but it's time he starts owning up! Great Chapter Ludub!
  2. I really love Leah and her storylines from last year with the aneurysm, and her scaredness about getting married to Zac (hence breaking it off) Because she struggled to see a future with his (at the time) bratty son. They suit each other and it's about time she gets some happiness, I just hope the curse of Leah doesn't set it, and Zac and her remain a happy couple for many years.
  3. Zac did the right thing being sensible, I was going to have him rampage at Peter - but then Peter would definitely lock him up and throw away the key. Amanda will be heavily played in the next chapter, and a touching sequence of events for Zac and Leah. Update again tomorrow, I think.
  4. **** chapter, but... things are to dwindle down and potentially end Target of Love to move onto a different story.

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  5. Thank you! Sorry about the confusing name! Haha, been edited now. Will double-check to see if I've missed any of the changes. All comes down to what Peter knows.. Thank you so much for your support.
  6. I need to read things and remember things more clearly. Off to bed, It's 3:30 AM.

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  7. Oh crap, I didn't realize I had named her! I'll go and edit the name nows Posted chapter Fifteen before I quoted you!
  8. One last update to my story for the night, and then I'm off to bed :wub:

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  9. I love it! Great chapter. Update soon!
  10. I am glad you loved the Leah and Zac scenes. I mean kids should be nothing BUT happy for them, plus who couldn't smile at how happy they were? In love got to rely on eachother, and it's the tests to come to test their limits. I don't know, have to wait and see. Yeah I feel sorry for Holly too, I just read her history. But Peter does have something over her mother, so her mother will make Holly do it.
  11. He isn't meant to be nice in this fic, and I haven't decided how it's going to end. But thank you for the support.
  12. So I wasn't wrong in thinking he did? Well I am utilising it to the best of my ability without trying to break Leah and Zac up. Thank you for your support!
  13. Zac's already been returned, and been home for over a week now...
  14. Awesome well written chapter! Glad that Kyle has finally decided it is best to tell Tamara what's going on, and hopefully convince him to stand up to these people that hurt Kyle. Please update soon .
  15. A spanner in the works for Leah and Zac. Thank you! It's still not going to be easy for him to get back into a normal routine.
  16. Going well with this story, have another one in mind now too! :wub:

    Guess have to wait until I finish this one. :lol:

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  17. I loved this chapter! Awesome that Kyle is feeling like he needs to open up to someone, shame it's not Tamara but hopefully that will come soon. Also, loved, loved, LOVED the Zac and Leah moments. Update soon!
  18. It's all good! Thank you for the reply, and thank you for thinking that it's really good. I'm enjoying writing it. Will be writing within the hour, or two.
  19. Updating story, in about an hour or so. :wub: Have time to do so today, I was thinking it was Monday yesterday :lol:

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  20. Trying to refrain from writing another chapter to my story. :wub: Just am enjoying it so much. Finding it real refreshing. 

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  21. Just read this! Absolutely love it! Interesting take on Kyle's background, looking forward to reading more! Noah! One of my favourite names ever. Can't wait to read more.
  22. I like her so far, she's been really great handling everything that has happened on her first day in the bay!
  23. Zac has to be okay. But it's not going to be easy sailing for him to settle back down into normal life again. I never liked Peter, never thought of him as a good character in the show. I am just portraying him as what I thought he was. The whole purpose of this story is for him to cause trouble and maybe break them or make them stronger. Thank you for the support.
  24. It's good to have them back! :wub:

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