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Everything posted by cassecar

  1. I agree HomeandAwayNL, the aftermath will be really interesting! I’m actually quite interested in what Josh will do when he finds out! Have the feeling that Josh and Evie will work something out! Cant wait to discuss Home and Away in 2016! Glad to find someone who likes Philippa and Evie as well
  2. I agree! I turned to my mum during last night’s finale and said she has been through so many losses in less than three years! It’s a lot to take! A lot of things happen to her and she doesn’t have control over her life so it actually explains her relationship with Tank to some extent. She has become a favourite of mine actually! And like you said HomeAwayNL, just last week she thought she lost her twin brother just to find out the nest week her sister was murdered and buried in the forest! Philippa’s has great chemistry and I like the band of friends. Her acting this week in regards to Denny’s death was excellent (not sure if you have seen the finale) and it shows Evie’s turmoil and explaining her actions throughout the finale.
  3. I agree HomeAwayNL! I have really loved Philippa's acting since the Tank storyline and I am very excited to see next year as you have mentioned that it’s going to be a very emotional year with her sister’s death and Josh’s accident. She has had a tough couple of years with the deaths of three very important family members which can be emotionally draining. Looking forward to next year!
  4. Hi All This forum has been a bit quiet! lol My mum wanted to post ( haha) she think Heath is bad boy with a conscience! I always wanted to state I have found his character really interesting lately ... Im not too sure what his motivation with April is ( I thought I had figured it out a couple of weeks ago! lol) He and Henri seems interesting actually and I think they are most suited she knows who he is and under no illusion unlike April, i just wanted to know where Darcy lol! I think his character grew and shows different sides with her! there are missing potential storyline I think! lol I love your comment @ Red Ranger 1 i agree with it
  5. Hi All I have never posted in this thread before so very exciting! Thanks to John003 for opening this discussion further as I would have never considered posting but a lot of these posts I have enjoyed reading and starting to see Brax as a more three dimensional character as I am a bit iffy on Brax at timers but completing believing him in other times - I think as an audience viewer keeps me hooked on watching Home and Away every night! In response to toby girl's question about Heath (pls note this is my own response and interpretation and I am coming from a Heath fan perspective)why do people always feel everything Heath does is Brax's fault ? I love this relationship as its more complicated than Caseys and Brax's and I would love to explore this relationship more. My answer is that I completely agree that Heath is an adult and must take reponsibliities for his actions from dealing drugs to taking of his daughter but my view is that I have always seen as Brax and Heath really close for their whole lives and kinda did everything together but all of a sudden Brax changes ( this could be due to Charlie and wanting a better life) and Heath has no idea what the hell is going on and who the hell Brax is. Secondly this brother relationship is not a 'normal' relationship of equals ( I don't mean intelligence)we see that Brax as the provider in the family ( more so than his mother) and everyone takes cues from him, Casey, the River Boys and even Heath thus its kinda like a parent child relationship, you do what your parents ask of you as a childbut as you grow older your parents "let go" give you respect and become more friendly as you grow into adults , Brax and Heath is stuck in the adolescent stage where Heath is rebelling and wanting respect and Brax doesn't give it to him. Like I said these are my thoughts ( or wild imagination) and I hope I haven't offended anyone as its not be intention or am I trying to place blame! I have no doubt these two love eachother but I don't think they understand each other any more.
  6. Hi guys I totally agree, I loved seeing Heath yesterday and I think its very interesting that you all have pointed out ( I didn't pick up on it!) that Heath is more concerned with Casey's menal state that being physically bullied. Casey's imprisonment has truly affected him which is very interesting as it didn't really seem they had a relationship before... it will def be interesting when Casey's comes out!! I think that Heath may be able to understand Casey a bit better after Casey's stint in Juvie as he has been in jail ( and juvie too? do we know this?) whilst Brax hasn't and may bot be able to understand. Seeing Heath care abut his younger brother and his daughter had shown a different aspect of him which is really interesting in his character development. Heath reminds me of those guys who don't believe in showing emotion , its there but you don't show it! wow long post back to work!!
  7. Bit disappointed they weren’t in yesterday’s episode but loved the comment Casey made how Heath has her (Darcy) for one night and he is acting like he won the lotto….awwwwww looks like this relationship is growing beautifully
  8. @palmer0510 hahahahahaha ur my favourite too!!!! lol!!!! I would love to call for her to call heath daddy!!! I prob so invested in this relationship because i have such a wonderful relationship with my dad! lol! i think its a great way to build Heath into a 3 dimensional character and its a different way for him to grow instead going for the usual route of bad boy falls in love with good girl etc etc Yes we want more scenes!! lol!!!!
  9. Hi All Well that was just fantastic!!! I squealed when she called Heath ‘Dad’ ( my mum gave me the funniest look l! Lol!) Their relationship is growing and it is growing beautifully though I must admit I was disappointed by Heath missing out so much of the day- let your mum deal with her problems and focus on Darcy!! Lol! @ DocZed64, love that you are joining us! I love reading your other posts! And I agree as much that heath and Bianca are cute, he needs to bond with his daughter without her and that relationship should be his number one priority! Lol- i love your comment about seeing heath laugh! @palmer0510 ( my fellow heath and darcy cheerleader lol! ) I’m crossing my fingers also for a scene tonight and yes she is totally a daddy’s girl!
  10. @palmer0510- i think we get a Darcy scene tonight how exciting!!! She is one luck kid, she will be really loved and protected by the Braxton family but also the RBs!! I've often wondered about the relationship the boys have with Cheryl , I find it very interesting the dynamics between each of the boys and their mother but that is probably for another forum!
  11. @JaliefanEever, you won't be disappointed, father and daughter are adorable together! @palmer0510 I cant wait to see Darcy interact with Cheryl... that would be interesting!!! how do you think they would interact with one another?no i don't have tumblr im not tech savvy lol!!! Hopefully we get some Darcy in the next couple of weeks
  12. Thanks guys for replying so quick!! Too cute for words!!!! I'm glad Darcy is still on the show!!! i love the caption!! so funny!!! I think we will see darcy as I read that interview on this forum and she makes comments about having scenes with other SB residents! yay!!
  13. Hiu guys where did you see the pic and interview from? so jealous!!
  14. Hey, stranger! Seems like forever since we last spoke, have you managed to take a look at the videos ive placed on the forum? If not you should totally go check them out. I think we've all agreed how absolutely adorable she is, sometimes I have to remind myself that Alea is only ten as she acts as if shes been within this profession for many years. They did a great job as casting her as Heath's daughter, I just wish that they'd take a little more time to show people just how great her acting ability is. I really hope that the H&A writers give her the opportunity to shine but @ the moment ive not got much faith in them unfortunately. The Braxton family are all so similar that if you walked past them in the street you'd most definitely think that they were all married in RL. Can't wait to see more scenes with her, I know 100% that when the Summer Bay residents get to know her, they're going to fall for her cuteness and charm just as much as we have. She's just perfect! x You can't fault H&A for that, thank you ever so much for bringing this new talent onto the show. Hi back!! lol!! Yeah it’s been ages since I've spoken to you, i kinda figured that there has been less Heath and Darcy scenes, that hasn't been much to talk about! lol! I have seen the videos, they are excellent!!! H&A did a fantastic job casting her, I did a whole spiel on it on the Heath/ Darcy thread have you seen it? I agree they did a fantastic job casting the Braxtons, they all look similar to one another you could really believe that are a family! Especially where darcy is concerned.... Alea is a cutie pie, can't believe she is that young, she will be a wonderful actress when she is older!!!!
  15. I so agree maciam! I hope we do see regular bits and pieces of this relationship but on a slow burn, its quite a unique relationship. I am quite annoyed we never got see that scenes from when Teagan visited Heath and informed him of Darcy! I think the writers missed the opportunity of a really important scene for Heath's character growth. I love how Darcy and Heath are getting to know eachother hopefully we see more of it!
  16. Hi All! I love Darcy, such a cutie pie!!!! And she is so great as Heaths daughter! lol! As i said in the Heath/Darcy thread she is the perfect combination of all 3 Braxton brothers! Alea is a great little actress and I hope we see more of Darcy personality and her interacting with more of SB.
  17. The relationship scenes in which we've seen so far have been written and acted to perfection and have left me and others wanting much more then what we've been given. Alea who plays Darcy is an absolute legend, I hope to see her stay with the show for a long time to come as she gets older I have a feeling she's gonna be a right stunner. Completely agree with her being adorable, she's everything you'd want in a young, female Braxton. Heath hasn't really had much to work with in terms of storylines so I'm glad that they've given him something challenging to sink his teeth in, I just really hope that the Darcy/Heath storyline is going to be something which the H&A writers are going to be focusing on for the rest of this year and the 2012 season. I'd hate to have had these scenes and for us not to be given anymore to watch/discuss. I'm most excited for the scenes in which she and he are going to share with the rest of Summer Bay as there are so many characters which I feel Darcy could have the 'big sister' relationship with. I hope to see both of them come into SB as proper neighbours as I believe the father/daughter duo have a lot to offer. Can't wait for her to interact with Charlie, Ruby, April and with her "sexy" Uncles. I agree with all of your comments about the Darcy/Heath relationship! I love how the relationship is playing out; I think it’s perfect and very realistic, from the initial awkwardness to the slow bonding between father and daughter. I agree with Palmert0510 she is what you would expect a female Braxton to be, she is the perfect combination of all three brothers, which is probably why Tegan had the chance to pass Darcy as Brax’s!!! She has Casey’s personality, she has Brax’s features and she seems to have Heaths bite as seen on the scenes a couple of weeks ago on the beach! Lol! I wonder what she has of Cheryl’s? lol… btw did we find out how Cheryl knew Darcy was Heaths’s not Brax’s? It kinda sucks we won’t between seeing much of them in the next couple of weeks but once this Casey thing is over maybe they will more of a chance to see this relationship grow. I can’t wait to see Darcy to interact with other SB residents, as her first encounter (Colleen) didn’t go to well but I really want for now for her to interact with all members from the Braxton family, which I think will really be interesting
  18. I have to say I loved their scenes, from the house scenes to the diner scenes. The best scenes for me was Heath's "you are going to have to get used to that if you want to be my kid” and Darcy’s grin was so sweet ( Colleen was bitchy though!) Heath was quite different to Darcy yet still very Heath like. Thankyou H&A writers for writing and portraying a realistic new father and daughter relationship.
  19. I have to say in yesterdays episode what struck me about Heath was his loyalty, he is so loyal to to those he is close to! And I was wondering if this was a good thing- for example look at his relationship with Brax he is so loyal to him yet does this mean he is more likely to be bullied or be manipulated? They have an interesting relationship... what are your thoughts on Heaths loyalty? Sorry for rambling!
  20. I don’t go on the internet for a week and look at all the stuff I missed out on!lol! I’m so excited for tonight’s episode and see Heath become more of a father to Darcy! @palmer0510 I agree Heath has changed in little time when he found out about Darcy, he has put her before anyone else and I cannot wait to see this relationship grow!
  21. Yay!! Dan is a full time cast member! I have to say through the storm , Heath has been the standout character for me, we finally got to see different sides to him that were necessary as out of the Braxton Boys he was the one who had the least character development . The standout scene for me was he and Brax on the beach, where he showed his vulnerability yet still in a ‘heath’ way, and I loved how all his thoughts were for his daughter. I loved how he got ‘dressed’ up to see Darcy! Lol!
  22. Daddy Heath .... I agree Darcy and Heath fans we finally got our scenes!! Whoo hoo!!! My mum rolled her eyes when they came on I was like yay!!! I have to say the episode in general was well written and acted, but Darcy and Heath was a standout for me. I must admit I was a bit iffy on how Darcy was going to act around Heath, as I believe it would be strange for her to view her ‘uncle’ now as a dad and Heath isn’t as gentle as Brax (personality-wise) but he was so good with her and she seemed to really trust him as he comforted her throughout the storm. Also she didn’t look like she wanted to leave him when Tegan( grrrr) grabbed her and left. I was amazed there was no awkwardness between father and daughter there had a sweet and trusting chemistry. Can’t wait for tonight and Friday!
  23. Hi guys I’m not too worried about Heath in the spoilers because I think it is realistic! Of course he is going to struggle to be a father to an 8 year old girl! I think it’s perfectly normal! But I truly think that he wants the best for her as indicated a couple of weeks ago when he did a deal with the persecution to get out of jail and the way he flipped when he found out his daughter was living with Jake and Hammer. He (and Darcy) will need a bit of time to get used to the idea of being father and daughter and build that relationship. I also think he will put her first but Heath is still who he is and it will be interesting to see how he balances being a RB who likes to party and is involved in criminal activities and being a devoted father.
  24. Hi All Heath and Darcy fans!lol!! I agree with all sentiments, I agree Darcy will have a positive influence on Heath but also the Braxton boys..... I also feel that Darcy will be a great source of comfort to Heath during this time as on the OS it has spoilery pictures it states the Heath ( and Brax) discuss their lost, whatever happens during the storm directly affects Heath and he is blaming himself , so having Darcy there will probably help Heath through his time of grief. And this is where I believe that the bond between father and daughter will begin and strengthen! I really cant wait for scenes! They will be cute together!! @ Palmer0510 lol!! I felt that way to until I found this forum no I don't have to annoy my mum with my constant chatter on the RB'S! I have you for that!!
  25. I think it was more about him getting sidetracked as he seems to only be able to concentrate on 1 thing @ a time which I hope won't become a problem when looking after Darcy, rather then him not understanding the amount of responsibility it takes in order to be more then a father but a dad. You have 2 remember that all 3 braxtons lost their father when he decided that waltzing off was a better option then taking care of his kids along with Cheryl. By the looks of the spoiler picture he's going to be blaming himself, which I hope won't go on for too long as Darcy's gonna need her Daddy around in order for her to deal with her mothers "death". As I keep repeating myself, lol, i think that the relationship will build quickly as they're both going to be dependent on each other, well that's what im hoping that the writers will do anyway. Just one look at his daughter and he'll want to change just like Brax did back when he thought that Darcy was his. Heath surely won't be the same again as shes the most perfect, most adorable and considerate child that I think we've ever had on H&A, bet it wont take long for her to become Daddy's little girl. I'm hoping that the writers do the father/daughter duo justice. Hi Palmer0501 we have certainly kept this thread going! lol I agree with everything you've said ( as you probably guessed!!) i was just wondering what spoiler picture were you referring to? As I said earlier today Darcy is a great addition to this somewhat dysfunctional family and I think she will shake the Braxton dynamic even further that it has already been shook ! Also maciam i think you are right , this relationship will bring more of the 'real' heath out also and he will have to learn to be a father and he probably at this point of time doesn't realise what a big responsibility that is! I think Darcy will be more important than the river boys to Heath, could you imagine if someone tried to hurt her? he went psycho after stu was hurt!!! he definitely won't be the same again after bonding with her
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