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-*-_Free Spirit_-*-

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Everything posted by -*-_Free Spirit_-*-

  1. lol. It sounds wicked the story so far. 15 kids eh? I feel sorry for Clare. She wont have time to have Pete all to herself! lol Well i spose she's managed some way around it having 15 kids and all.
  2. Aaaaaaaaw! How come Peter always manages to get himself knocked out all the time! Its always doom and gloom for him! Aaaaw. He's got me to look after him! lol. Great so far Bex!
  3. We're alll here hehe. Noooooooooooo whats going to happem to Peter! *wipes away the tears* lol.
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaw. he's be too busy on kinky police chases with me!!!!!!!! LMAO
  5. I'm watching Joey. Bit too early for me to be up but Im wide awake so theres not much to do lol.
  6. Oooooh! Sounds exciting! Our Pete aint gonna get hurt is he! lol
  7. its ok. will be interesting 2 read the next part.
  8. Aaaaaaaaah! OMG! Sounds grooveh! lol. x x
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