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    Brax's Bedroom ;)
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    Home and Away, Home and Away and Home and Away.

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  1. You are just such an incredible writer Danni! I sent you a PM also! Keep up the amazing work! xx
  2. I absolutely love this fanfiction and also My Saving Grace! Please don't stop writing or posting on here xxx
  3. Have been keeping up to date with this story but just haven't had the time to reply! You are doing such an amazing job with this story! So glad Brax isn't the father but also saddened at the fact that Heath is, because I love him and Bianca together. Really wish they had stayed together, maybe they will sort things out (fingers crossed). Hopefully Brax and Charlie sort things out soon but his behaviour lately has been so terrible! Loving the Ruby and April storyline! It's so great to see someone writing something like that as it does show maturity and nobody else on the forum has done that! Would really love to see some more intimacy (love scenes) between April and Ruby though as you already write their scenes together so well! Really hope they start telling more people soon too and will be interesting to see how Romeo takes the news. Overall but I think their storyline is fantastic and would love to see where you take it in the future! Also excited to see what other story lines that you come up with for Charlie and Brax after this baby drama as I'm sure we would all love to see some happy Chax. The twins are super adorable aswell! Before I go a great job on Unconditional Love aswell! Can't wait for little pip to come along soon yay! Keep writing Danni xx
  4. Update updateeee updateeeee! xxxxx
  5. I think it's good that Rocco sees his mum. I think that her and Heath really need to work things out
  6. OMG I loved it! Please let them all be alright. Your writing is so amazing wow. They all have such different emotions, I love it. Names: I have always wanted to name my kids either; Girls: Ava, Alexa, Maya or Zoey. Danni02 I swear I suggested Grace, Paige and Maya to you when you were writing one of your other fanfictions with Riley and Paige, love those names!! Or we just have the same taste haha Boys: Blair, Blake, Justin, Taj xxx
  7. OMG When are you going to update?? Please update soon RoRo hope everything is okay…. xxx
  8. Im finding this Ruby/April situation so interesting it's a really good twist as nobody on the forum has never really done something like this before. Hopefully the relationship goes someone where for them Wish Heath and Bianca were together again Update soon love this story Danni xx
  9. Update update updateeeeeee
  10. OMG I had tears in my eyes the whole way through that The whole fiction was amazing Danni! Dont ever stop writing or my life will be over! xx
  11. WHAT?! Noooooooo! Only a few more chapters! I am seriously so upset! I hope to see another fanfiction on the way maybe even a Heath and Bianca based one Just don't want to see you stop writing Danni as you are definitely one of the best writers on the forum! Another amazing chapter yet again! So glad Chax are reunited! Pity we can't see where they would go down the track Hopefully there is some more stories coming our way! Update soon Danni
  12. OMG OMG OMG I want you to update so badly. I have been checking the forum everyday for like a week now!
  13. I totally agree with Red Ranger I never thought you would actually kill Ruby off Has definitely made for an interesting storyline Just want Chax back together Poor Charlie and Romeo Update sooon
  14. OMG OMG OMG! Is she pregnant or not?? Doubt she is if she is this calm with Ruby as she would be freaking out! But still hope she is as it would be interesting to see if she has changed her mind about having another kid. Update soon
  15. Poor Ruby I think she needs to go see Aimee and decide whether she wants to keep the baby or let her go! Aww Connor's little idea about them all moving in together Still wondering what has caused Charlie's 'sickness' Update really soon! x
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