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Everything posted by CharlieandBrax4Ever

  1. Oh wow it was Casey! I kind of think Ruby is going to go back to Xav I wonder if Heath is going to find out? Hope he comes to the funeral and sees Bee! Update soon xo
  2. Oh no really don't like the ending!! I don't think I should have mentioned Heath coz I think this has something to do with him and it doesn't look good!! Jake was so cute reminding Brax about what he had to bring!! Poor Brax saying he hasn't had sex for 7 MONTHS wow hope it happens soon haha!! UPDATE REALLY REALLY SOON!!! SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT THE OFFICERS HAVE TO SAY!! XO
  3. Great update as always Danni!! Really missing Heath in this fan fiction coz Bianca really needs a love life!! Is he ever going to get out of jail?? Coz I really hope he does!! What did he even do?? Shouldn't he have gotten out when Brax did? Jacobs saying he likes Paige the best lol That stupid reporter glad Brax gave him a piece of his mind lol Update soon xoxo
  4. Amazing chapter Hahahahaha Heath is hilarious Awwwwwww Aria is gorgeous Charlie and Brax just amazing ❤
  5. Amazing chapter Hope Brax is going to propose! <3
  6. One word..... AMAZING Adelle That was just beautiful
  7. Awwww amazing chapter and so glad that Chax are back together! Just hope they stay together ;D
  8. Absolutely gorgeous chapter Danni! The names are gorgeous too Riley and Paige <3 Glad Charlie and both babies are ok Hoping for a proposal too and a great life with the babies!! xxxxx Also so sorry for your loss Danni my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.
  9. Wow I am speechless those two chapters were so amazing and very very creative!! Update soon....
  10. Cute chapter! Valen and his tarantula haha Aria getting jealous so cute hehe Missed Brax in that chapter Update soon xx
  11. Amaze chapter!! Hope the adoption response is good! I really hope Brax does propose because I think it would kind of be boring if her didnt
  12. Amaze chapter!! I do feel sorry for Tegan going to jail but in a way she kind of deserved it after what she did! Hope Brax and Charlie work it out really soon!! Update soon
  13. Amaze chapter and I totally agree with Danni02 the way you write Charlie and Brax is just beautiful <3
  14. OMG Brax grrr JUST PROPOSE!!!!!! I totally agreed with callyha I think he does need a house to fall on him!! Jacob is so cute and I can't wait to see what you call the babies and whether they will be a boys or girls or mix!! Brilliant updates though this and Nothing Lasts Forever have definitely been my favourite fan fics!! Dont ever stop writing fan fics about Charlie and Brax or I think I will cry but I also reckon of you do another one I would love to see a Heath and Bianca storyline like how Charlie and Brax have ended up!! xxx I just added some babies names for you in case you hadn't thought of any.... Boys: Mason, Ethan, Aiden, Justin and Noah Girls: Olivia, Grace, Zoey, Ivy and Khloe
  15. Great Chapter Aww I really did think Brax was going to propose in that chapter but oh well I am sure that when it does happen it will be really special!! just a question are Liam and Bianca together in this fan fic?? cause i read in one of the chapters something about Bianca still being upset about breaking up with Liam I am pretty sure and I would love to see a bit more Heath and Bianca!!
  16. Great chapter but poor Brax he was crying Hope he can still adopt Jacob!!
  17. OMG hope there is nothing wrong with the babies!! please dont make something go wrong java script:add_smilie(%22:cryingsmiley:%22,%22smid_30%22)
  18. Great chapter the Gigi and Aria are so cute! Naww at Brax and Charlie
  19. Loved that!!! I want a little Aria!!
  20. Naww Loved Ruby and Brax and I hope they do more stuff together and bond alot more and show their father/daughter figures!
  21. Lucky that's the only thing Aria saw haha soo cute!!
  22. Amazing chapter update soon and i was wondering if you could check out my fan fic Never Let You Go! xx
  23. Seriously thank god I have this fan fic after "Nothing Lasts Forever" finished, even after this is finished you have to do another Charlie and Brax one or maybe a Heath and Bianca! I have wanted to tell this for so long I think that you are the best writer on this website! KEEP WRITING FOREVER!! <3 xx
  24. Amazing ending to a fabulous story!! Naww they are going to have a baby, hoping for a girl!
  25. Just started reading this fan fiction and from start to this point it has been absolutely amazing and definitely one of the best fan fics i have read ♥ I was also wondering if you could help me out??..... Do yu have any ideas for a Chax fan fiction I could start writing?? I really want to start writing one but I am hopeless at ideas and I think you are a fabulous writer so your input would be great xxx
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