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Everything posted by AvrilRP212

  1. Great chapter. Update soon please
  2. Poor Brax. She broke up with him. And then she went to the hospital. If she does go ahead with it she's gonna regret it. Update soon please
  3. Brilliant chapter update soon
  4. After Brax said all that stuff i'm kinda glad it wasn't Heath. And the twins are so cute. Aww Riley teasing Paige. loved Chax at the end. Update soon.
  5. Really nice scene with Bianca and Ash. Wondering if it is really Heath they found
  6. Nice few chapters and Connor is so cute.
  7. Love this fic and Connor is the cutest. Like how he always refers to Brax as Darryl And Ruby and Romeo are really cute together. Update soon.
  8. Same old Heath. And how could Brax not realise he hadn't changed. and Grace Austin is a really cute name. Great chapter.
  9. Please let Brax be okay. Update soon.
  10. Glad they got the kids back. Update soon
  11. Just started reading this and its awesome. Hope Tegans serious about letting them adopt the baby. Update soon please.
  12. Please don't let Isabella be Braxs
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