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Everything posted by Jacklost

  1. Maybe like a Beethoven like movie?
  2. It would have been cool if she returned to show, now a young woman in her mid 20s. She would have probably gotten along well with the other young casts like Colby and Mackenzie
  3. Just saw Tai Hara on a episode of Madam Secretary (Season 5 Episode 16) Nice to see that he’s doing good in USA I hope he will get even bigger roles like for example Chris Hemsworth did
  4. It’s fake, the linked article is from when she was returning for Roo and Harvey’s wedding in 2012
  5. I’m shocked that they haven’t mentioned Morag being dead yet, are they just gonna ignore it and never mention her again on the show? That would be really disrespectful towards Cornelia and all the good and hard work she put into her character over the almost 30 years she was on and off from the show...
  6. Wonder if they will try doing a pregnancy storyline with her again
  7. Legally Blonde 2, looking forward to the third movie
  8. What appears there is Profile Manage followed content Account settings Ignored users I’ve looked trough account settings but can’t find any.
  9. It doesn’t appear here. What appears is The notification bell Sign out Mark site read Account Browse Activity Back to the bay.net Twitter Leaderboard Im on my phone
  10. Anyone knows?
  11. I only started watching in late 2001 but I know that they recast her in her final year and then when she came back as a ghost (or illusion) it was the original actress, kinda weird to be honest ? They should show flashbacks from when she and Alf where children, as Alf is reminiscing about Morag
  12. Seeing her be recast would really hurt /:
  13. Lol, story of all the bullies turned nice characters I wanted to rip of Andy’s eyes when he first appeared because he annoyed me so much but I ended up liking him a lot How would that work seeing as she lives with her father Nick Dutton?
  14. Maybe the season finale this year will end with Alf getting a shocking call about Morag being dead and then the next episode opens with Morags funeral
  15. Sweet, I love his character
  16. How do I re-activate private messages? I turned it off a while back ago and never figured how to turn it back on ?
  17. I hear that Jake Ryan signed a 3 year contract earlier this year, is that true?
  18. They would become the ultimate hate couple then
  19. It seems like they are building up for him and Tori to get in a relationship, wonder if he will keep being on the show til next year
  20. We have different opinions then
  21. The show is better now than it has been in years so I don’t know what you are talking about
  22. While he was on his manhunt for Robbo he sure did remind me of Brax, I feel that his character development from the last year has been ruined.
  23. After 3 years he finally turned into Brax 2.0, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner to be honest.
  24. How old is she suppose to be?
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