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Everything posted by Jacklost

  1. Her exit felt more like a Sasha 2.0 exit, leaving him devastated... I wonder tho if this was the last we ever saw of her and that she will never return. It's a shame if so because she has became a part of the Stewart family, Alf was like a grandfather while Roo was like s mother while Evie became like a sister
  2. What about Snelgrove? Though he was still there?
  3. Thank you Chris J for fixing that
  4. Old habits are hard to turn away. Once a thug, always a thug I guess /:
  5. Downhill? He had a massive improvement until before this explosion
  6. How is Andy responsible? It wasn't he who bought illegal gas tanks (Or what the cops said) Everyone and no one is to blame really, Andy would never have killed Oscar and Hanna. He loved Hanna and cared about Oscar
  7. If he left I would lose faith in this show. To many of the characters I like has left the last few years..
  8. What's up with the text? Can't read anything That would sound like a fitting way for his character to leave
  9. In notification settings and under messenger and I receive a message the option to turn on to get email notification is broken
  10. The one in late 2009s when Leah's boyfriend was attacked?
  11. I think it's weird tho that they have never been mentioned. Maybe Geoff died in while battling? Don't remember if it was the army or something other he left to. Remember that Aden went to the army or the military. But yeah Geoff was a easy character to forget once he left But I would have loved to see Aden back, that was one heck of a character development in just 2 years But I should stop now before this turns into a Aden/Geoff thread I'm looking forward to see how this Mason character will develop. If they are suppose to be a Braxtons 2.0 i hope they don't replica what happened to Casey, that would be silly
  12. Ok now I feel stupid, I thiugh we where talking about the guy who played Casey I thought his real name was Lincoln to but I see who you where talking about now I had forgotten about Geoff to be honest hehe
  13. What was wrong with Lincoln? In my opinion he's one of the best young actors that have ever been on the show
  14. He's like a mix of Casey and Dexter/Oscar I like him tho It would be interesting if Tori was his mom like someone here mentioned
  15. He looks like Heath. He's like a calm version of him
  16. What happened to the computers at the diner? When they rebuilt the place they added computers so people could sit there and study etc
  17. I'm on the mobile version and I don't see any custom member titles. But on the desktop version on my pc I do, hope they fix this as I like to see all the different titles the members have on this forum And i very rarely use pc Cool member title btw
  18. Can we still add a member title like we could on the old forum version once we reached 500 posts? I haven't quite gotten into this forum version yet
  19. I've just started watching the episodes with them and I have to say that I think he kinda looks like Alex Papps, that along with the fact that he has the same last name as Frank Morgan. Or is it just me? I do see at least some resemblance to Alex, not Twin-ish like but enough to that they could be related
  20. Maybe Brax was lying to comfort Ricky?
  21. Are we 100% sure that she's gone for good? Such a shame /: Really liked her, she kinda reminds me of Melody
  22. I can´t find a option to turn off notification, can we not do that on the new look?
  23. ​Anyone? I´m often on my iphone and i don´t like mobile versions of forums and usually use the desktop version but i can´t find out how to do it on the new look
  24. How do i get the desktop version on smartphones? I can´t find find a button for it, i believe we could on the old version
  25. ​Go to your profile and click "See my Activity" on the right ​I only get the list of comments i have posted and if i click on topics i only see the ones i have started Btw, is this how the forum program is now so everyone else who uses this forum program will get this look? Edit: For some reason my avatar looks blurry now, i don´t know why
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