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    Home and Away 1988 - 1998

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    Home and Away : The Early Years

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  1. Ok Chris J and Dan F, I know this is probably a really silly question, and believe me I don't know the first thing about updating websites, technical stuff i.e servers etc but why don't you create a BTTB app for android and apple users?
  2. Really like the new look forum. All topics are easily accessible. I particularly like the layout of the profile page, has a nice fresh feel to it. Well done to Chris J, Dan F, and the other site Admins, you have really given the forum an updated new look which is also user friendly, thumbs up from me.
  3. Sally's birthday party when she played "spin the bottle" and kissed Peter was episode 817. Michael and Pippa were watching through the kitchen window. ☺
  4. The speed has noticeably improved for me, almost back to normal. ☺ Thanks Chris and Dan for all your efforts...
  5. Thank you for updating us Chris J. Not sure if it's a coincidence but the forums seem a lot quicker this morning... Anyway really appreciate all you are doing to return things back to normal.
  6. The issues are very intermittent, sometimes you can browse the site/forums and all seems ok, other times incredibly slow with server error messages popping up. Hopefully normal service will resume shortly. Would be good to have the online list reinstated though.... ☺
  7. Finally caught up with last week's episodes... So sad to see them again, I did need the kleenex !! I did find myself getting quite frustrated every time the story switched to Roxy and Sarah and the broken down car. All I wanted to see was the Bobby storyline although I obviously knew how it was going to pan out. I will really miss the character of Bobby, one of my favourites, she certainly came a long way from the 1988/89 teenage tearaway days. I am really enjoying 1993 again, it's a great year, although I think it has to be one of the saddest years in the show's history...
  8. It is an easy thing to forget to do.. !!
  9. I am normally the last person to find fault with Michael but the way he treated Bill this week was pretty harsh and unforgivable. I know he was only being protective and fatherly towards Finn but he should have taken a step back and thought about the "innocent" situation, the friendship between them and the fact that Bill is mentally disabled before giving him a piece of his mind. Naughty Michael.... tut tut !! I am pleased Finn had the final say on the matter though.....
  10. Another pretty sad week, especially Friday's episode... I am finding a few of the characters really irritating at the moment, Michelle the typical "floosie" with not much between the ears, Imogen the jealous sister from hell and whining selfish Greg. All that said makes for great viewing though... ☺
  11. Well, it is a close community - it is only the Ross's circle who are in mourning, fairly naturally. Entirely reasonable for Sally to weep over the death of effectively her infant stepbrother, wouldn't you say? Mr Fisher was in mourning also. He changed his mind about the encyclopedias because he didn't care anymore. Mr Fisher isn't even part of the Ross family! Dale her infant stepbrother???? Oh my god....that is drawing a bit of a long bow isn't it?? Ultimately it really should only affect the mother because it is the mother who had the baby in the first place. I disagree with your comment that only the mother is affected. When a mother loses a child at any age and due to any cause it would naturally affect the whole family. Friends would also feel upset at the family's loss. Pippa and Michael are a well liked and respected couple in Summer Bay who devote their time to fostering children. When they shared their good news that they were expecting a baby of their own, friends were really happy and pleased for them. Therefore it seems fairly obvious to me that their friends including Don Fisher, who also lost a child, would share in Pippa and Michael's grief and also feel upset at the premature loss of Baby Dale. Sally has every reason to weep over Dale's passing, he was for a short while as mentioned above effectively her stepbrother, her reaction is perfectly normal. The acting during the emotional episodes this week has been outstanding. I think Episode 1222 won an award in 1993, you can see why....
  12. I remember it too, I just didn't think it was today. Damian is being quite bratty but I did like him for standing up to Sally last week though. Very big brother of him. I remember this episode as if it was yesterday. I rushed home from work in my lunch hour to watch it... I live in the UK and remember them not showing today's or tomorrow's evening episode because of an England football match that was being played that night. This is probably the most memorable storyline for me during the Early Years. Considering Michael & Pippa had only been married for a couple of years the producers certainly gave them their fair share of heartache and emotional storylines during 1993 and 1994/95. I will say though the acting from Debra and Dennis during these episodes was outstanding.......
  13. Be great to see them again but it's going to be emotional !! ?
  14. My sentiments entirely !!
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