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    Geelong, VIC, Australia
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    Photography, music, travel.

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  1. No idea - but Rocky Point was also the venue for Finlay’s ill-starred weekend away with Randy.
  2. Yes, Sally was bizarrely absent - as was just about anyone else from Y12. The party seemed jam-packed with parents, staff (well, only the ones we know), and little kids... why was Nick there?
  3. After slating David Dixon I have now learned I am very distantly linked to him: apparently my father-in-law's ex-partner is his mother-in-law…. tenuous I know.
  4. I do wish Alf would stop asking where Pippa (or whoever happens to be around at Summer Bay House) wants his box of groceries to be delivered. It's always on the table, Alf...
  5. What episode is the party?
  6. Fin's hotpants in 1358 didn't arouse much comment from the guys in the Bay...
  7. Yes, this is a weak storyline which really stretches plausibility to breaking point - and makes Sarah a far from credible character. Also weak is
  8. Also, David Dixon's teeth (I'm remembering and have recently seen a couple clips)... Man! Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who find DD's teeth vaguely repellent. He just looks vile. I can't work out why most people seem to be accepting him courteously, when he's clearly a stereotypical thug, with an ongoing criminal record.
  9. I was so impressed by Angel's enthusiasm for the ballet that I went out and bought the complete Swan Lake on SACD...
  10. Not just a criminal, but an inept one - why would he take a photo on the stolen camera when the rest of the film would have the owner's christening photos on it. And why on earth was everyone, e.g. Pippa, and to a lesser extent Irene, so naive when an item is stolen from the caravan park within an hour of convicted criminal Nathan arriving there? Irene doesn't do herself any favours when refusing to believe her son is a tea leaf...
  11. They should never have brought Nathan in at all. Just a loathsome cartoonish character with no redeeming features - very poorly written. I'm all for drama in the show but to introduce just a two dimensional pantomime villain to create a few feeble storylines was a poor decision. I just cue through the show whenever he appears.
  12. I thought Alf always drove his beige/caramel Range Rover - he is at the moment anyway.
  13. Well, Tug is probably better out of school as he's clearly, ah, academically challenged - he should take Luke's advice of TAFE/Tech college though, to learn a trade of some sort. Seems like Fin has left school as well: Tug and Sarah rock up at the diner in their lunch break (well her lunch break - his 'break' is now permanent) and are immediately waited on by Fin (in one of her foxy outfits) - or does she treat Summer Bay High like a drop-in centre?
  14. Poor Sam! Greg's got to realize he's the not the only one to have lost Bobby. Taking it out on Sam won't help anyone. I didn't like the way Roxy yelled at Alf for being racist. He forgave her too easily. Er, shouldn't she be forgiving him?
  15. Sad to see Fin has reverted to that vile purple smock - I thought she'd palmed it off on Sally a few episodes back...
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