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Everything posted by -Tess-

  1. Read it again, and I still get so sad when milko doen't respond to Sally when she tries to contact him... Sad, but great.
  2. Awesome! I love the 1st, 3rd and 7th ones! keep up the great work!
  3. awesome work Sarah...love the 2nd one best!
  4. Hey people! Anyone on?
  5. http://www.judynunn.com.au/
  6. I'm gonna go to bed, im so tired. Talk to you guys later! Goodnight
  7. Hey people!
  8. Hey Chris!
  9. Hey Tashas_angel, not much. What about you?
  10. Can I please save the 2nd one to use later? I love it!
  11. Hey everyone!
  12. Hello everyone!
  13. See ya!
  14. I'm here!
  15. Hello everyone!
  16. Ohhh i hate brain freezes! I get the whenever i eat even the samllest bit of slurpie! Anyyyways...I'm off to bed. Goodnight to you all!
  17. Its already started...Ill get the link... http://backtothebay.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17719
  18. Thats fine! But there is a sequel!
  19. Thanks, but this fics finished!
  20. Dont worry about it! You have nothing to feel stupid about
  21. That happened to my older bro' too, jack4martha. except he was only meant to use $40, but he used $600, so I'm guessing yours isn't quite that bad?
  22. Ciao!
  23. I'm going to bed..Night peoples!
  24. Yeah! I like it!
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